Agnes stood outside the building preparing herself to enter, she let out a deep sigh__perhaps she was again entering into that mysterious lion's den !
A huge building completely decorated with glass work, it was impressive , she praised. She reminded herself the reason for what she was there.....she shouldn't get fool by humans now. They're nothing but a cheat !
She reminded herself that she was there for a murder__to hunt her prey !
To knock him down for what he'd done to her.
Agnes settled her loose green dress which was coming down to her knees covering her thighs and hiding her beautiful figure in that looseness. Which she chose obviously "not to caught anyone's attention" during her time in the company. Though with her ginger hair with the contrast of green was itself looking alluring on her with milky skin. Tied her hair into a pony tail she was looking professional yet graceful.
Agnes took the steps towards the entrance with confidence and delicacy. With the files of her qualifications and other basic information tucked to her chest by her bare hand. Yeah !
How could she miss the opportunity to shake hands and to suck a little energy within those seconds.
Striding through the hall painted in white, she reached the reception. A pretty girl was on call managing the entries of people and providing them the needed information. Her voice was sweet though fearful , don't know why. But guess she was being scolded by boss !
As the call ended she wiped the sweat off her forehead. And looked up as Agnes spoke.
"Excuse me. I'm here for an interview with boss for the place his Secretary."
The girl looked into her eyes and stood still for some moments staring at Agnes. Then suddenly she held her hands and....
"Thank God you're here. The boss was going to fire me after 5 minutes on next call if you're MORE LATE."
"Ww-what but I'm on time."
Agnes looked at her watch.
"Just 2 minutes above !
And he was going to fire you !"
Agnes looked surprised.
"Ah yeah. He's bit strict about time."
The girl waved her hand in a manner like "it was daily scolding".
"Oh I see. I'll be careful."
Agnes let out a weak smile. But she did like that girl.
"So Miss. Agnes right. You've to go through the elevator upto 5th floor where boss is waiting for you."
"Okey. Thanks"
And Agnes headed towards the elevator. Pressed it button to 5th floor.
But wait !
Something was wrong !
Her vampiric senses suddenly got heightened. That scent__sweet scent.
It was attracting her towards the source, she inhaled that sweet human scent deep within her. She felt like it circulated in her blood__she found herself getting addicted to it.
Who's scent was that ?
Vampires are best at controlling themselves and their thirst for blood. But now at that moment Agnes want that person all to herself, she was craving for his/her blood. She never wanted a human__never ever. But now that scent was overcoming her senses and all she wanted was that person.
Inhaling the delicious scent she tried to control herself, though luckily she was wearing lense to hide her eyes as it changes colour every minute. Otherwise anyone in that elevator could've seen her red eyes__vampire eyes. But she was alone, as the elevator stopped and she stepped out.
Walking through the silent corridor she could still sense that scent and with every step it was getting stronger and delicious !
She didn't wanted to hurt any innocent or to kill him/her just to fulfil her craving. It was forbidden and moreover she was a princess__it wasn't her to do such a terrible deed.
Clenching her fists tightly and digging her nails into it she knocked at the door when someone's heavy but tired voice strucked to her ears and she stepped inside the cabin.
Jairus POV:
I don't know what happened to me. I guess it was really her. But why she was here ? For what she was here ?
What could be her purpose ? Perhaps she remembers me and that night too.
And she was there for money or perhaps for some big purpose.
I'd many questions, a load of questions popped up in my mind when she entered in my office. I'd recognise her despite of her look at that. She was wearing a green dress quite loose one but she was still looking pretty in it. Her face was calm and expressions __something serious. It was the first time I saw her eyes they're green, alluring beautiful green shade. At first I couldn't speak anything when I saw her. I don't know either it was fear and guilt that overcame me or I was happy to see her again__safe & sound.
But whatever that was I was okey with it's flow. She was standing close by in front of me when I kept on gazing at her face, don't know why ? But at that time I was ready__ready to accept her if she wanted me to do so.
My thoughts stopped running when she spoke and I came to know that she was there for a job__ a job of my secretary.
wanted to keep her by my side ?
I questioned myself again & again while interviewing her. And my eyes kept staring at her face time to time __she was perfect no doubt. But .....
Except that scar which started from her left eye and ended on her right cheek, though not so big.
I wondered from where she got that, because it wasn't there at that night. Perhaps she got involved ina fight with her lady manager.
She was speaking and speaking I was asking her questions but every time she looked up at me a tingly sensation overcame me. As if I wanted her to speak, I wanted her to keep on gazing me.
Oh what was happening I don't know, I just wanted her , that was all.
Perhaps it was love at first sight !
After that abrupt meeting with her that night I was seeing her now. Though I don't know her but I kept on thinking about her past these days. She was already in my mind. And was probably reaching my heart. How I don't know. I selected her as my Secretary and she was supposed to join from tomorrow. I shook hand with her and she left with a smile. I felt relieved as I was going to see her again & again now. And I'd help her with everything __don't know why I was eager to stay by her side !
Agnes POV :
I don't know how I controlled myself.
His scent was overcoming my senses. It was like an addiction to me. As magnet attracts iron, rose attracts nightingale, fire attracts moths. He was attracting me !
I was being pulled towards him by his scent. Don't know why I like it actually I loved it. I wanted to get burn in this lovely sensation. He started speaking asking me questions, his glacial eyes were capturing me. They're circling on my face. Don't know what he was doing I felt my body becoming hot and my cheeks red. When I kept my gaze glued to my hands in lap. Nails dugged into my palm I controlled myself. He leaned back in his chair and his neck got bare, it made the vampire in me thirsty __for his blood. The sweat on his forehead was inviting me. His scent already captured me. All I wanted was to hunt him. All I wanted was his blood. Everything about him was inviting me. I forgot for what I came here as I saw him when I entered. And I found myself a prisoner under his eyes guilty of loving him__perhaps.
I prayed __
I prayed it shouldn't be him, anyone else but not him !
I didn't wanted to kill him, or perhaps I wasn't able to do so after meeting him. I wanted to suck from him, if not more then only a gulp !
I didn't wanted to hurt him but I did want to bite him perhaps the vampire in me wanted to mark him as my mate !
I don't know what was happening to me at that time. The very moment our eyes met I skipped a beat !
Why ?
I don't have any answer. Perhaps I got inspired by his handsome face. I fell for him in just one meeting. How's that possible ?
Maybe he wasn't that good, maybe he was masked as other men. Maybe he was pretending to be nice. And was inviting me towards himself with some sinful intentions !
I scolded myself and cursed my heart for loving someone AGAIN !
I was happy that I got selected as I succeeded in entering that company and I'd get many chances to find out my culprit. I stood up to leave when he stretched his hand out for a handshake. And again how could I miss that, I shook.
But something strange happened.
I wasn't able to suck anything__no exposure of spiritual energy.
How was that possible ?
He was pure ?
So he wasn't guilty ?
But I found it interesting so kept the idea to work with him in order to find out more about him. As he was the first pure person I've seen.
Moreover how he was able to grab the attention of vampire in me !
A huge building completely decorated with glass work, it was impressive , she praised. She reminded herself the reason for what she was there.....she shouldn't get fool by humans now. They're nothing but a cheat !
She reminded herself that she was there for a murder__to hunt her prey !
To knock him down for what he'd done to her.
Agnes settled her loose green dress which was coming down to her knees covering her thighs and hiding her beautiful figure in that looseness. Which she chose obviously "not to caught anyone's attention" during her time in the company. Though with her ginger hair with the contrast of green was itself looking alluring on her with milky skin. Tied her hair into a pony tail she was looking professional yet graceful.
Agnes took the steps towards the entrance with confidence and delicacy. With the files of her qualifications and other basic information tucked to her chest by her bare hand. Yeah !
How could she miss the opportunity to shake hands and to suck a little energy within those seconds.
Striding through the hall painted in white, she reached the reception. A pretty girl was on call managing the entries of people and providing them the needed information. Her voice was sweet though fearful , don't know why. But guess she was being scolded by boss !
As the call ended she wiped the sweat off her forehead. And looked up as Agnes spoke.
"Excuse me. I'm here for an interview with boss for the place his Secretary."
The girl looked into her eyes and stood still for some moments staring at Agnes. Then suddenly she held her hands and....
"Thank God you're here. The boss was going to fire me after 5 minutes on next call if you're MORE LATE."
"Ww-what but I'm on time."
Agnes looked at her watch.
"Just 2 minutes above !
And he was going to fire you !"
Agnes looked surprised.
"Ah yeah. He's bit strict about time."
The girl waved her hand in a manner like "it was daily scolding".
"Oh I see. I'll be careful."
Agnes let out a weak smile. But she did like that girl.
"So Miss. Agnes right. You've to go through the elevator upto 5th floor where boss is waiting for you."
"Okey. Thanks"
And Agnes headed towards the elevator. Pressed it button to 5th floor.
But wait !
Something was wrong !
Her vampiric senses suddenly got heightened. That scent__sweet scent.
It was attracting her towards the source, she inhaled that sweet human scent deep within her. She felt like it circulated in her blood__she found herself getting addicted to it.
Who's scent was that ?
Vampires are best at controlling themselves and their thirst for blood. But now at that moment Agnes want that person all to herself, she was craving for his/her blood. She never wanted a human__never ever. But now that scent was overcoming her senses and all she wanted was that person.
Inhaling the delicious scent she tried to control herself, though luckily she was wearing lense to hide her eyes as it changes colour every minute. Otherwise anyone in that elevator could've seen her red eyes__vampire eyes. But she was alone, as the elevator stopped and she stepped out.
Walking through the silent corridor she could still sense that scent and with every step it was getting stronger and delicious !
She didn't wanted to hurt any innocent or to kill him/her just to fulfil her craving. It was forbidden and moreover she was a princess__it wasn't her to do such a terrible deed.
Clenching her fists tightly and digging her nails into it she knocked at the door when someone's heavy but tired voice strucked to her ears and she stepped inside the cabin.
Jairus POV:
I don't know what happened to me. I guess it was really her. But why she was here ? For what she was here ?
What could be her purpose ? Perhaps she remembers me and that night too.
And she was there for money or perhaps for some big purpose.
I'd many questions, a load of questions popped up in my mind when she entered in my office. I'd recognise her despite of her look at that. She was wearing a green dress quite loose one but she was still looking pretty in it. Her face was calm and expressions __something serious. It was the first time I saw her eyes they're green, alluring beautiful green shade. At first I couldn't speak anything when I saw her. I don't know either it was fear and guilt that overcame me or I was happy to see her again__safe & sound.
But whatever that was I was okey with it's flow. She was standing close by in front of me when I kept on gazing at her face, don't know why ? But at that time I was ready__ready to accept her if she wanted me to do so.
My thoughts stopped running when she spoke and I came to know that she was there for a job__ a job of my secretary.
wanted to keep her by my side ?
I questioned myself again & again while interviewing her. And my eyes kept staring at her face time to time __she was perfect no doubt. But .....
Except that scar which started from her left eye and ended on her right cheek, though not so big.
I wondered from where she got that, because it wasn't there at that night. Perhaps she got involved ina fight with her lady manager.
She was speaking and speaking I was asking her questions but every time she looked up at me a tingly sensation overcame me. As if I wanted her to speak, I wanted her to keep on gazing me.
Oh what was happening I don't know, I just wanted her , that was all.
Perhaps it was love at first sight !
After that abrupt meeting with her that night I was seeing her now. Though I don't know her but I kept on thinking about her past these days. She was already in my mind. And was probably reaching my heart. How I don't know. I selected her as my Secretary and she was supposed to join from tomorrow. I shook hand with her and she left with a smile. I felt relieved as I was going to see her again & again now. And I'd help her with everything __don't know why I was eager to stay by her side !
Agnes POV :
I don't know how I controlled myself.
His scent was overcoming my senses. It was like an addiction to me. As magnet attracts iron, rose attracts nightingale, fire attracts moths. He was attracting me !
I was being pulled towards him by his scent. Don't know why I like it actually I loved it. I wanted to get burn in this lovely sensation. He started speaking asking me questions, his glacial eyes were capturing me. They're circling on my face. Don't know what he was doing I felt my body becoming hot and my cheeks red. When I kept my gaze glued to my hands in lap. Nails dugged into my palm I controlled myself. He leaned back in his chair and his neck got bare, it made the vampire in me thirsty __for his blood. The sweat on his forehead was inviting me. His scent already captured me. All I wanted was to hunt him. All I wanted was his blood. Everything about him was inviting me. I forgot for what I came here as I saw him when I entered. And I found myself a prisoner under his eyes guilty of loving him__perhaps.
I prayed __
I prayed it shouldn't be him, anyone else but not him !
I didn't wanted to kill him, or perhaps I wasn't able to do so after meeting him. I wanted to suck from him, if not more then only a gulp !
I didn't wanted to hurt him but I did want to bite him perhaps the vampire in me wanted to mark him as my mate !
I don't know what was happening to me at that time. The very moment our eyes met I skipped a beat !
Why ?
I don't have any answer. Perhaps I got inspired by his handsome face. I fell for him in just one meeting. How's that possible ?
Maybe he wasn't that good, maybe he was masked as other men. Maybe he was pretending to be nice. And was inviting me towards himself with some sinful intentions !
I scolded myself and cursed my heart for loving someone AGAIN !
I was happy that I got selected as I succeeded in entering that company and I'd get many chances to find out my culprit. I stood up to leave when he stretched his hand out for a handshake. And again how could I miss that, I shook.
But something strange happened.
I wasn't able to suck anything__no exposure of spiritual energy.
How was that possible ?
He was pure ?
So he wasn't guilty ?
But I found it interesting so kept the idea to work with him in order to find out more about him. As he was the first pure person I've seen.
Moreover how he was able to grab the attention of vampire in me !
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