The light shone on Jiang Suisui, her lustrous skin, with a beautiful luster like suet jade.

Sensitive people will find that the Jiang Suisui who appeared in front of them at this moment is more radiant than the Jiang Suisui who shot Lu Xiao just now.

She is the beauty of this world, her face is pure, she is ignorant of world affairs, and she is deceptive.

But when I thought of Jiang Suisui's actions just now, everyone's face looked different.

Someone stepped back in panic, lest Jiang Suisui would suddenly shoot them.

Some turned their heads to call their bodyguards, and some stared at Jiang Suisui with angrily.

Others drew out their own guns and pointed them at Jiang Suisui.

At this moment, the evil star walking beside Jiang Suisui exploded!

The fierce coercion swept the audience.

Many people were shocked by the invisible force, and their gun hands trembled unconsciously.

Jiang Suisui came to Lu Xiao's side, and the moment Ye Shenger saw her, his hatred went wild!

"Do you dare to come back?! I'm going to kill you!!"

The moment she raised her gun at Jiang Suisui, the evil star shot and squeezed Ye Sheng'er's wrist bone! He is cruel and merciless!

The gun in Ye Shenger's hand fell into the hands of the evil star.

At the moment Ye Sheng'er screamed, Lu Xiao and the bodyguards beside Ye Sheng'er drew their guns together. A dozen black hole muzzles aimed at the evil star and Jiang Suishi.

Where they were, the air became tight in an instant.

It seems that if you accidentally wipe the gun and misfire, a fierce battle will break out!

However, Jiang Suisui was unheard of.

She squatted down and was about to reach out to check Lu Xiao's injuries, but was stopped by the doctor beside her.

"what are you doing?!"

"Come on, catch her soon!"

The doctor shot directly and wanted to subdue Jiang Suisui. Jiang Suisui didn't go to see the doctor, her slender arm raised her, and she threw the opponent out directly!

She raised her hand, touched her hair, and pulled out a few gleaming silver needles from the long black hair.

"If you want him to survive, don't mess with me!"

Jiang Suisui whispered, the invisible majesty suppressed everyone!

The silver needle in her hand had plunged into Lu Xiao's body, sealing several of his acupuncture points to stop his bleeding.

Ye Sheng'er's right wrist was twisted and fractured by the evil star, and her entire face quickly lost blood, and she was about to faint in pain.

But when she saw that Jiang Suisui touched Lu Xiao, Ye Sheng'er burst into a sharp roar like an angry lioness!

"Don't touch him! Shoot! Kill this woman for me!!!"

Before Ye Shenger's words were over, the evil star had kicked a few bodyguards out!

At this time, Dingding Cat and Nine-Tailed Fox rushed forward!

In this case, they no longer intend to hide their identities!

Dingding cat opened a tube of medicine, and the white smoke in it quickly gushed out!

The smoke dispersed from Jiang Suisui, and the doctors and bodyguards around him all fell to the ground in a coma.

The evil star quickly took a few steps back, holding his breath.

Before he boarded the ship, he was injected with intensive drugs, and there were drug antibodies in his body. He was able to resist this kind of drug addiction.

Ye Sheng'er inhaled the drug, his legs softened and collapsed to the ground feebly.

It's just that she is supporting her with willpower, and she doesn't want to pass out.

Her pupils were so wide that she was about to split apart. She lay on the ground, trying hard to crawl over in the direction where Lu Xiao was.

But in the end, Ye Shenger still couldn't resist the effects of the drug, and she fell to the ground.

Jiang Suisui knelt beside Lu Xiao, took out the scalpel from the medicine box next to the doctor, and she cut Lu Xiao's chest directly and took out the shrapnel from the other's chest.

Immediately afterwards, she started stitching again.

The guests all hid on the side, watching Jiang Suisui performing surgery on Lu Xiao, and they all couldn't figure it out.

What's happening here?

Why did Jiang Suisui shot Lu Xiao and now he is going to be operated on again?

Jiang Suisui focused on the operation, and it was almost difficult for people to catch it with naked eyes. When she was stitching, her hands fluttered.

After suturing Lu Xiao's heart, Jiang Suisui used a pacemaker.

However, the heart rate monitor still did not show any fluctuations in the heartbeat.

Within 4 minutes of stopping the heartbeat, it is the best rescue time. If there is no rescue, then everything will be powerless.

Dingding cat panicked, "This... this guy... really has no heartbeat?!"

She stared at Jiang Sueseui blankly, her face dumbfounded.

The nine-tailed fox opened his mouth, trying to say something, but he couldn't pronounce a single syllable.

In fact, when Jiang Suisui sutured Lu Xiao's heart, the man was already powerless.

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