Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 828: : No one can fight

Huo Lingye, who was tied to a stretcher, was still in a daze.

When he heard what Huo Linxi said, his startled eyes fell out!

"what? What?"

"My third aunt pretends to be me? It's my third aunt who participates in the assessment contest?!"

Huo Lingye's neck was sprained and he still couldn't see the scene behind him. He shouted at the bodyguard beside him:

"Brother, turn me around and let me see what is going on in the ring!"

The bodyguard seemed to have never heard what Huo Lingye was saying to him.

The bodyguard stared straight at the people on the ring, and he was also in shock of being subverted in all three views.

Huo Lingye looked at everyone around him, they were all eating melons, and they were all watching the direction of the ring.

He was the only one who was tied to a mobile stretcher and was erected, facing the auditorium with his back facing the ring.

"woo woo woo woo!!!"

Huo Lingye was about to cry in anger.

Huo Jingxian sat back on the chair with a puff. She gritted her teeth, her chest rising and falling.

She forcibly stabilized, with the shocking emotions in her heart, Huo Jingxian tried her best to restrain the tremor in her voice, and said:

"Sui Sui, you pretended to be Ling Ye to participate in the assessment competition, what is your purpose?"

Jiang Suisui blinked his curled eyelashes.

"I think it's fun."

Huo Jingxian: "..."

Everyone under the ring "..."

Jiang Suisui's bright and pure voice sounded: "Ling Ye is injured and cannot participate in the assessment competition.

It’s the first time I stepped into Arashiyama Island and I’m very curious about the assessment competition.

As the mistress of the Huo family, I wanted to deal with the retainers and side branches, so I thought of such a way to integrate into the retainers and side branches. "

Speaking of this, Jiang Suisui rushed to the people below purely and innocently, and smiled lightly:

"In the team competition, we worked together, and in the individual competition, I played against the retainers and the best in the side branch.

As the mistress of the house, I have a good understanding of the strength of the retainers and side branches.

Everyone present, there is no one who can fight~"

Everyone: "..."

In the eyes of Jiang Suisui, they are none of them who can fight.

But in their eyes, their faces were slapped!

Who on earth said that the wife of the mistress is frail and sickly, with a delicate body? !

Who on earth said that the mistress's wife has no power to bind the chicken? !

The faces of everyone present are swollen!

"Linxi!" Huo Jingxian lowered her voice, "Sai Sui this is disrupting the game."

Jiang Suisui asked: "Auntie, do you think I am from the Huo family?"

Huo Jingxian bit her lower lip, her tone reluctantly, "Yes, of course you are!"

Although in the eyes of Huo Jingxian, Jiang Suisui is not worthy of the position of Huo's mistress.

But Huo Linxi got the certificate with her.

When Jiang Suisui asked this question, Huo Jingxian could only answer, of course she was.

She is not, who is? !

Jiang Suisui said again: "On Lanshan Island, the strong is king. I belong to the Huo family. I am eligible to participate in the assessment contest."

Huo Jingxian yelled: "You dignified mother Huo! You should sit upright in the audience!

You are the mistress! Participating in the assessment competition, what position can you find for yourself?

Sui Sui, you think the assessment contest is fun and you have passed the addiction.

But do you know that after you took the first place, you took away all the retainers, side branches, and promotion opportunities below!

Because of you, their rankings dropped, which affected the future! You are so capricious! How do you deserve to be the mistress of the Huo family? ! "

Before Huo Jingxian finished her words, Ah Ba turned to Jiang Suisui, kneeling on one knee...


[Update again at 6:30! Sui Sui is what people want~ the old witch is still behind! 】

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