Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 842: : Old man Huo is dead

Before Jiang Suisui spoke, he heard Huo Jingxian murmur excitedly:

"What can I have a virus in my body? I never thought of hurting Linxi, I don't!"

She ignored Huo Jingxian's cry, and only swiped her finger across the iPad screen. Then, she handed the iPad to Huo Jingxian.

Huo Jingxian was startled, her eyes fell on the iPad screen.

In the next second, she suddenly grabbed the iPad in her hands!

Huo Jingxian watched the picture on the iPad screen, her face quickly changed from snowy white to dead gray!

On the iPad screen, there is a non-stationary video, and a picture is always displayed in the video because the person in the video is dead...

The old man sitting slumped on the marble single bed had a black collar around his neck, and his hands and feet were handcuffed.

Blood gushes out from the corners of the old man's eyes, eyes, nostrils, ears, and mouth.

He vomited a lot of blood, the blood stained his chin, and then dripped down his chin on his chest.

The old man raised his head, and the light of the incandescent lamp fell on his face.

His pupils are dilated and his eyes are muddy.

He is like a static statue, frozen in time.

The person in the video is Mr. Huo.

Huo Jingxian held the iPad in both hands, and she was no longer arguing with Jiang Suisui as before.

She became very quiet all over.

No matter how she looked at the screen on the iPad, she couldn't see enough.

She flicked her finger across the iPad screen, and what appeared in her sight was taken from different angles, showing the death of Old Man Huo.

Jiang Suisui saw that Huo Jingxian's fingers were squeezing the iPad screen, and the joints were glowing white from under the skin.

Her pupils protruded sharply, staring at the screen on the iPad.

Jiang Suisui maintained the posture with his hands wrapped around his chest.

She got up, leaned forward, and approached Huo Jingxian who was holding the iPad.

She whispered like a witch in Huo Jingxian's ear.

"Keeping Mr. Huo will only harm ten thousand years. It is better to send him down to the Yellow Spring and let him go to make atonement for those who were killed by him and died because of him!

The old man was not walking peacefully. He was in pain. People in Linxi had tortured him for several days. He was not allowed to sleep or feed him. You see, he was incontinent.

Once he was in a beautiful life, standing on the top of Huo's, calling the wind and calling the rain, now he is not decent at all.

Aunt, you said, what should I do with the old man's corpse?

Was it thrown in the mountains for wolves and eagles to eat, or chopped him up and fed to pigs..."


Huo Jingxian broke out, she smashed the iPad in her hand on Jiang Suisui's face!

Jiang Suisui steadily caught the iPad thrown by Huo Jingxian, and looked at the hideous woman, rushing towards him like a beast!

Just when Huo Jingxian's nails were about to grab her face, Jiang Suisui kicked her abdomen!

Huo Jingxian flew back, her back and head hit the wall.

Jiang Suisui didn't see it. At this moment, even Howard and the two deputy ministers were stunned.

The three of them looked at each other.

Due to the special tasks in the department, the law enforcement department did not go to watch the assessment game.

They all thought that Jiang Suisui was very delicate and could not restrain the chicken.

When Huo Jingxian threw the iPad at Jiang Suisui just now, they rushed to stop it.

But they are all a step slower.

They saw that Jiang Suisui stepped on the bed and leaned in close to Huo Jingxian.

Holding the iPad in her hand, she showed a picture of Huo's death, and reached the tip of Huo Jingxian's nose.

"Auntie, what are you hitting me for?" Jiang Suisui's voice was soft, with a touch of innocence.


[Go to dinner first, there is a chapter later! 】

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