Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 875: : Let me guard you

Jiang Suisui's breath was full of Huo Linxi's breath.

In the deep blue night sky, the fireworks are dazzling, the sea of ​​fog is tumbling, and the tall buildings towering into the sky are decorated with fireworks, like a palace in the sky.

After returning to Huo’s house, Jiang Suisui was still in a misty state.

The man's kiss rained down, and she heard the sound of fireworks blooming in her chest.

She lay down on the bed softly, her long black hair scattered on the pillow like seaweed.

Huo Linxi lowered his head, admiring the shocking beauty in front of him.

He is like a devout believer, kissing the gods he believes in.

Big sweats flowed down the man's three-dimensional face like a knife and axe, and he seemed to be able to endure as hard as he could.

When Jiang Suisui saw his temple, the veins were violent.

Suddenly, Huo Linxi took a deep breath. He pulled up the quilt and placed it under Jiang Suisui's chin.

"I'll take a shower."

Jiang Suisui's eyes were filled with damp water vapor. Hearing Huo Linxi's voice, she seemed to wake up from a dream, and the expression in her eyes gradually became clearer.

"I can..."

The man knew that she wanted to say that her menstruation was over.

He was sitting next to Jiang Suisui, and his nose was full of heat.

Jiang Susui changed his mind and thought about why this man is capable.

Because of the C673 virus, the more frequent the close contact between them, the frequency of Huo Linxi's illness will also increase greatly.

Before the toxins in the body were relieved, Huo Linxi planned to control the toxins in Jiang Suisui's body once every 70 days. Now there are still two months before the boundary can be crossed.

He was about to turn around and get out of bed, his fingers caught by the hot and damp little hand.

Jiang Suisui crawled out of the bed, like the charming and charming beauty snake in the book.

The long black hair was scattered on her chest, all kinds of amorous feelings, which only made people's three souls and seven souls, were all taken away by her.

She approached Huo Linxi and whispered three words into the man's ear.

Huo Linxi took a deep breath, watching the dark tide surging in her eyes...


The fireworks outside the window exploded one after another, and Jiang Suisui's head was blank.

The sparks were hot and hot, trying to scald the dark blue sky curtain out of the hole.

After a long time, Jiang Suisui was taken out of the bathroom by Huo Linxi.

The man changed her clothes, and she was lying on the bed with peach blossoms on her snow cheeks.

A few strands of hair fell on her blushing cheeks, and there was a strand of hair inlaid on her beautiful red lips.

The man stretched out his hand and stroked the hair scattered on Jiang Suisui's cheeks to help her back her head.

"Tired?" His voice was muffled.

Jiang Suisui's face quickly heated up, he hid his hands under him, and buried his face in the pillow.

Huo Linxi looked at her shyly, with a sex-sense smile in his throat.

He coaxed her: "Go to sleep."

Jiang Suisui shook his head, "Are you going to keep the year old tonight?"

"I will guard you," he said.

Jiang Suisui showed half of his face and said softly:

"That was not what I meant."

Of course Huo Linxi knew what she meant.

"Sleep at ease, I will watch the year." He will be next to Jiang Suisui, watching the new year, watching the future of him and her...

Jiang Suisui was so sleepy that both eyelids were fighting. Once she closed her eyes, she didn't want to open them again.

She just passed out so drowsy.

The man sat beside her, staring down at her.

When the zero clock rang and fireworks filled the entire capital, the man leaned down and put a kiss on her lips.

"Happy New Year."

His voice was very low, and he gently covered Jiang Suisui's ears with his hands to prevent her from being disturbed by the fireworks all over the city while she was sleeping.


[Due to well-known reasons, the updates these days will be updated late at night! 】

Guess what three words Suisui said to Linlin...Guess the right comment, Qiansui will reply!

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