Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 884: : You are the most handsome iron cow in the village

Jiang Suisui beat the bath liquid into white foam and applied it to Huo Linxi.

She used a lot of body soap, and both of them were soaked in foam.

Over the years, this man has always served her.

This time, Huo Linxi is going to heaven!

In order to punish him, after dampening Huo Linxi's hair, Jiang Suisui piled the shampoo foam on the man's head.

She admired her masterpiece, grinned her lips, and laughed warmly.

On Huo Linxi's head, it looked like he was wearing a snow-white curly wig.

When Jiang Suisui's smiling body was slanted, the man was like a big dog, slamming his head.


She whispered, there was no time to hide, and there was no place to hide, her face and hair were covered with the foam that was thrown out by Huo Linxi.

Jiang Sui, holding up the snow-white foam, patted Huo Linxi's face.

The man's face and head can only be ravaged by her!

With the foam in her hand, she grabbed Huo Linxi's short hair into the middle, turning it into a skyrocketing rocket.

She became addicted to playing, raised her hand and divided the man's hair into two, grabbing a pair of horns.

Jiang Suisui looked at Huo Linxi's face again, which could perfectly hold the horn-haired handsome face, and she giggled.

"You are the most handsome iron cow in the village!"

The man only snorted from his nose.

Seeing her smiling, her eyes were bent into two crescents, and the corners of Huo Linxi's lips were unbearably pulled upward.

"Tie Niu wife, have you played enough?"

Huo Linxi asked her, her voice was deep and very nice.

Jiang Suisui shook his head at him. She still has several hairstyles and wants to catch Huo Linxi.

Just as she stretched out her hand to change the shape of the horns on Huo Linxi's head, the man pinched her waist, leaned over, and lowered his head...

The water in the bathtub poured out, and the air was filled with the fragrance of body soap...


After a long time, she was taken out of the bathroom by Huo Linxi.

Jiang Suisui's eyes are misty, her eyes are full of peach pollen, and her lips are red and moist, like berries, making people want to pick them.

After Huo Linxi put her on the sofa, he threw the hair dryer to her.

"Blow yourself."

His voice was dry and dumb, and his face was a little dark.

Jiang Suisui looked at him like this, pursed his lips, and smiled low.

It was this man who forcibly dragged her into the bathroom, and it was this man who asked her to rub his back.

It was this man who got into the fire in the end.

Due to physical reasons, he needs restraint, which really hurt him.

Jiang Suisui was about to pick up the hair dryer and blow her own hair. The man took the hair dryer again.

He said in a dull voice: "I'll do it."

Usually, he helped Jiang Suisui to blow her hair and let her blow it herself. He felt that Jiang Suisui would not be able to do it.

"I can do it myself," Jiang Suisui persuaded him instead:

"Do you want to take another cold shower?"

At this time, the heat that Huo Linxi exhaled from his nasal cavity was hot.

He plugged in the hair dryer and turned on the hair dryer to dry her hair.

The long black hair fluttered at the man's fingertips, and the soft hair was curled up by the slightly hot wind and fell again.

Jiang Suisui leaned forward, wrapped his hands around the man's waist and pressed him tightly.

The sound of the hair dryer suddenly stopped, and Huo Linxi inserted a hand into her cold hair.

After a while, the hair dryer was thrown on the sofa by the man...


[Valentine's Day benefits for you~]

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