Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 961: : High energy ahead!

Ding Ding Cat took his hand and persuaded him in a good voice: "Don't follow, let's follow, Grandpa God of Fortune, just ask for your help!"

With that said, Dingding Cat simply raised the hand of God of Wealth.

She shouted: "1.2 billion!"

The master of ceremonies heard her voice and looked intently, and found that the servant who was following the buyer was shouting the price, and her brows frowned.

"The servant is not qualified to raise the price for the master!"

Dingding cat said: "My master is tired from shouting, I'll shout for him."

At this time, an auction agent came over, and he boarded the booth, took the microphone, and said to the people below:

"The buyer in Box No. 1 doesn't want to waste time on this lot. Anyone here will bid more than you guys. Buyer No. 1 asked me to tell everyone:

He will pay 5 billion to buy this lot on the booth. Will anyone offer a higher price than this? "

The buyers in the audience were all dumbfounded.

Who is so rich? !

Willing to spend 5 billion to buy a woman? !

I bought this woman, not for playing, but for offering like a bodhisattva, right?

Dingding cat whispered: "5 billion? Damn!" Who is this? The Poseidon is really a Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, even if you sell her, she won't be able to spend so much money!

"God of Wealth, can you offer more than this person? When you buy Jiang Suisui, I will let Jiang Suisui pay you back!"

Once Jiang Suisui falls into the hands of other men, she will definitely be tortured, and Dingdingmao feels that this is not allowed to happen.

The little boy sitting on the sofa has his face covered by Peppa Pig's mask.

The price offered by the buyer in Box 1 directly aroused his eagerness to win!

How attractive is this Jiang Suisui woman? Someone actually wants to buy her for 5 billion.

More money than anyone else, the little boy is confident that he will never lose to anyone!

"5 billion, ha, then I will give 5.5 billion! That woman, I want it!"

The little boy said, and the agent standing on the booth said:

"If someone can offer a price higher than 5 billion, then the buyer in Box 1 will pay 10 billion!"


"Jiang Sui is worth 10 billion?! This price is too outrageous!"

The buyers present shouted in exclamation, and the Dingding Cat and Nine-Tailed Fox both opened their mouths wide.

This time, they really met an opponent!

They looked nervously at the God of Wealth, this little boy, willing to offer a price higher than 10 billion?

But in Box No. 1, Ye Sheng'er stood there, after a few seconds, she asked:

"Brother Xiao, are you going to ruin your family for this woman?"

10 billion is not a small amount for the four major families, not to mention that this 10 billion is just to buy a woman!

If this news reaches the Promise Continent, it will definitely cause a huge sensation!

Lu Xiao let out a cold voice, and the emotion of determination to win was released in his pale golden eyes:

"I want her! No one can **** me!"

At this moment, Si Jun was determined to be in a room, facing a dozen LCD screens.

On several screens, scenes in every box of the auction were playing.

His eyes fell on the surveillance screen in Box 1.

It turns out that Lu Xiao wants to buy Jiang Suisui for 10 billion, and what is competing with Lu Xiao is...

Si Junjue's sight fell on another surveillance screen, the little boy.

From the moment he made a sound, Si Junjue recognized him.

His sixth brother Si Qiyou unexpectedly ran out of the palace!

I don't know, Si Qiyou knows that Jiang Suisui is the fifth sister he has been looking for.

But no matter if Jiang Suisui fell into the hands of either of them, there would never be the scene Si Jun wanted to see.

Si Jun decided to regret this auction.

Whether it is Si Qiyou or Lu Xiao, never dream of getting Jiang Suisui!

Si Junjue changed his mind and activated a certain device on the auction booth.

The buyers under the stage saw a circular glass cover slowly lowering from the top of the booth.

With this glass cover fully displayed in the eyes of everyone, they found that on the top of the glass cover, there was a **** plastic bag, which was filled with a bulge.

Soon they could see that this was not a black plastic bag, but a transparent plastic bag filled with creeping snakes!

This made them mistakenly think it was a black plastic bag.

At this time, someone said: "Did you start the show so soon?"

People who often come to the Poseidon are no strangers to the scene in front of them.

On the Poseidon, there are often restricted scenes! Those **** and confusing scenes are all used to entertain the guests.

They would throw second-class citizens of non-Wuji Continent into snake dens and watch countless tiny snakes get into slave clothes and bite their flesh.

They would also bet each other on how long the slaves could live in the flock of snakes.


[High energy ahead! Cover your little hearts! 】

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