Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 979: : He is going to die!

The evil star was looking at Jiang Suisui when he was in a trance, and several other slaves attacked him again!

The evil star seemed to have eyes on the back of his head, and he turned over from the wolf's back!

He moved swiftly and beat the two slaves to the ground!

In the dusty, he took the initiative to launch an attack, and the opponent had not had time to see him clearly in the future, and in the next second, their necks would have been held by the two hands of the evil star!

On the man's arm, blue veins burst!

"Crack!" Two crisp sounds.

As the two slaves fell to the ground, the audience saw the powerful and invincible underground king of fighters 8 years ago. They were shocked by the overwhelming lore scene on the court. The audience broke out crazy screams and cheers!

Si Jun decided to put down the hand that was holding his head, he gave a soft voice, and made a gesture to the people around him.

Before the shouts of the audience disappeared, several iron gates opened in the Colosseum.

Batch after batch of beasts swarmed!

The emcee in charge of the heated atmosphere, holding the microphone, shouted at the evil star standing in the Colosseum:

"The one who wins in the end, you will have everything! But if you fall halfway, the evil star, you will have nothing!"

He will have nothing more than nothing.

If he falls halfway down the road, he will lose his life!

Standing alone in the middle of the Colosseum, he raised his face and looked in the direction Jiang Suisui was.

Jiang Suisui was still standing in front of the seat, and the eyes of the two met in the air.

The man's dark pupils are deep and gloomy, and in his eyes, there are countless stars flickering.

Only when he looked at Jiang Suisui, there was light in his eyes.

He pulled his thin lips, retracted his gaze, and dexterously rotated the dagger in his hand with his fingertips to greet the beast that leaped at him.

After a round of fierce beasts, there are fifteen people as a team of slaves, each holding a long knife, slashing at the evil star!

When these fifteen slaves, all fell to the ground.

The evil star bent down and picked up the long knife they had left behind.

The third round of attacks, here again!


Ye Sheng'er also stood up from his seat. Who else can sit now?

In the Colosseum, after one fight after another, the man who didn't even have time to rest or catch his breath, was really a shock!

This man is terribly tough!

Ye Shenger put on the Bluetooth headset, and she called Lu Xiao.

However, on the other end of the phone, no one answered for a long time.

She asked Lu Xiao's men to contact him.

After a while, Ye Shenger received the voice invitation from Lu Xiao.

The man's low voice fell into her ears. Although it didn't have any emotion, Ye Sheng'er raised the corners of her lips, which was extremely pleasant.

She smiled and asked teasingly, "Brother Xiao, have you found Jiang Suisui?"

Lu Xiao's voice without temperature rang in her ears:

"A minute ago, you notified the people under my hand that Jiang Suisui and [Poseidon] appeared in the Colosseum."

Ye Shenger chuckled, "Brother Xiao, I found something interesting."

She didn't want to inform Lu Xiao that she saw Jiang Suisui at the Colosseum.

But if you don't tell Lu Xiao about this, Lu Xiao will never ignore her.

But before Ye Shenger told Lu Xiao that she found something interesting, Lu Xiao hung up the call.

Ye Shenger twisted the enchanting waist of the water snake and sighed helplessly.

Alas, she didn't finish her sentence.

Forget it, anyway, Lu Xiao now knows that Jiang Suisui is in the Colosseum, he must be coming to the Colosseum at this moment.

When he comes, he will see what an interesting person is in the Colosseum!

Ye Shenger saw in the Colosseum, the evil star had started a new round of fighting, and her eyes flashed with excitement!

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