Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 982: : Isn't it? Can this allow them to eat dog food? !

A fierce and strong aura broke out on Si Junjue!

He stretched out his hand to hold Jiang Suisui's staying power, pulled her in front of him, put his arm on her shoulder, and restrained Jiang Suisui.

"Keep your eyes open, let's take a look together, how long can the evil star last!"

Si Junjue was moody, he set up one game after another on the Poseidon, and he liked to modify the rules at will.

Originally, the beast contest was going to be held for three days, and it took three days to decide the final champion.

But in order to deal with the evil star, Si Junjue temporarily changed the rules.

The time of the fighting beast game has also been extended, but the audience present did not find it boring, but as time went on, they became more and more excited!

They felt that the evil star might not be able to hold it anymore!

This feeling of looking at someone who is powerful and invincible and in desperation is awesome!

The dark side of everyone present has been infinitely magnified!

They want to see the noble person being pulled down from a height, contaminated with silt, and allowed to be trampled on by others.

They wanted to see the mighty warriors, exhausted their last strength, and died under the attack of the shrimp soldiers and crab generals!

See the beautiful things being destroyed!

This is so exciting!

The evil star was injured, his clothes were torn several times, and blood flowed from the wound, soaking the damaged clothes and trousers.

There was a thin sweat on his forehead, his hair was slightly damp, and his hair looked a bit darker.

Bright red blood flowed down his brow bone, from eyes to chin, and across his cheek, there was a shocking bloodstain.

In the Colosseum, those slaves who were originally prepared to fight in the beast match tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, they held knives and faced the evil star with different looks.

Someone realized that the evil star was different from ordinary people's physical strength, and they were so shocked that they blurted out:

"You have been fighting for so long, why do you sweat so much?"

The little sweat indicates that he consumes less physical strength. After fighting for an hour, his physical strength is still abundant.

With the back of his hand, the man wiped out the blood stains that had stuck one of his eyes, and he spit out unruly:

"I only sweat when I am fighting with my wife."

The slaves who surrounded the bane star cluster: "..."

No way, no way!

At this time, let them eat dog food? !

This group of slaves naturally kicked over the dog bowl in front of them and rushed towards the evil star with their knives!


When the last slave was knocked to the ground by the evil star.

The entire Colosseum was quiet for two minutes.

Si Jun sat firmly on the seat, without a word, he was silent, frightening, and frightened.

Two minutes later, there was a clear and indisputable childish voice, shouting:

"The evil star!! You are my idol!! The evil star is so big, how much money, let's make a price! My uncle is poor and only has money left!!"

With Si Qiyou’s shout, many people in the audience recovered. At this time, enthusiastic cheers broke out, and countless people were shouting the name of the evil star, and wanted to buy it with a lot of money. he!

Sitting in a high position, Si Junjue's chest slightly fluctuated.

He raised his hand to give the order, and the master of ceremonies took the microphone and shouted:

"Bad! Congratulations on being the King of Gladiators on the Poseidon this year.

Now displayed on the big screen are all the exhibits available for auction on the Poseidon. You can choose five of them as the trophies you get in the competition! "

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