Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 984: : "I, isn't it?"

When Si Qiyou heard the words of the evil star, he whimpered. The nine-tailed fox had already put him down. He stepped on the chair and whispered:

"The evil star is going to leave the person I want!!"

Sting-ding cat and nine-tailed fox are gritting their teeth, and they can’t wait to rush up now and beat the evil star!

What's wrong with this evil star? ?

He asked [Poseidon] for the spoils, why did he go to Jiang Suisui? !

Don’t think that Jiang Suisui fired a few shots during his game and helped him kill a few slaves. The evil star thinks Jiang Suisui is interesting to him!

"Well, you are a curse! Toad wants to eat swan meat!" Dingdingmao aired.

Si Jun was taken aback for a moment. The five trophies that the evil star wanted were all he hadn't expected.

A big man would actually ask him for women's jewelry and clothes.

The evil star asked him for the cell regeneration medicine developed by the Queen of Hades, which Si Jun could definitely understand.

And the evil star asked for research data from Mohs No. 1 laboratory.

This kind of research data is a treasure in the eyes of knowledgeable people, but it is not worth anything in the eyes of others.

The evil star would ask him for this, Si Jun decided to guess that behind the evil star, there should be an instigator.

Who is his instructor?

Is that person on the Poseidon? Or non-Wujizhou people?

As for the evil star unexpectedly opened his mouth to him, asking for Jiang Suisui.

Si Jun was determined to be happy.

He thought it was very interesting.

He clasped Jiang Suisui's shoulders, pulled her up, and walked forward with Jiang Suisui.

The two of them stood by the railing, looking at the evil star standing in the Colosseum.

"Do you like her?" Si Junjue asked the man below.

The evil star raised his head with a clear voice: "Well, I like it."

The surrounding audience was very quiet, they couldn't figure out Si Junjue's thoughts, and at this moment, they didn't dare to make a fuss.

Si Jun decided to laugh, his laughter sounded hearty and clean.

He nodded and replied, "Okay, I'll give it to you!"

After finishing speaking, he pushed Jiang Suisui straight down!

Jiang Suisui fell from behind the 7,8-meter-high railing!

The hem of the bright red skirt flew up like a flower suddenly blooming in the air.

She fell down, her eyes falling on the face of the evil star.

The long black hair drew a graceful arc from the air...

The evil star rushed forward immediately!

Spread your arms and catch her firmly!

Jiang Suisui crashed into the arms of the evil star, when she heard the heartbeat that made her dare to be familiar.

Jiang Suisui tried his best to restrain the corners of his lips.

At this moment, her heart also settled down.

The evil star switched to using one hand to encircle the woman's slender waist. He lowered his head, lowered his eyelashes, and his breath fell on Jiang Suisui's face.

Looking at Jiang Suisui's sweet and tender face, the evil star's voice is low and hoarse, just asking her:

"I, isn't it?"

He looks like a very doglegged, complimenting look

Jiang Suisui: "..." He fucks, he is the worst!

The evil star's face is dirty, half of his face is contaminated with blood, and he is now wearing a human skin mask, this face is not his own.

Jiang Sui said: "You are so ugly!"

There was a muffled laughter from the man's throat.

He thinks he is super dick!

I had negotiated with the people on the Poseidon through the informant before, and a generation of the King of Fighters, rushing out of the rivers and lakes, will face off against other slaves and beasts on the Poseidon, and win the championship of this beast match.

The Winter Star Necklace and the Xingluo National Treasure Snow Silkworm Clothes were all chanted by Jiang Suisui before casually.

She only said it once, but Huo Linxi's memory is too good, so she wrote it down.

It happened that on the Poseidon, there were jewelry and clothes that Jiang Suisui was interested in, and Huo Linxi had decided long ago that she would win it for her.

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