Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 997: : Last night, did this guy do anything to you?

In another room of the cruise ship, the servant put a fruit plate on the coffee table, and poured the brewed flower tea into the bone china tea cup.

"Miss Jiang, please sit down and have a snack."

Jiang Suisui walked to the sofa. She sat down and only asked, "I changed my clothes, why didn't I take me to the dinner party?"

The servant replied: "This is the order of Lord [Poseidon]. It is not yet time for you to appear, Miss Jiang."

Jiang Suisui asked suspiciously, "Where is the evil star? Is he also waiting in the next room?"

The servant said, "Mr. Badge is going to the dinner hall first. Don't worry, Miss Jiang. When the time is up, we will take you to the dinner."

Jiang Suisui picked up an exquisite gold-painted bone china teacup, and the sweet fragrance of scented tea entered the nasal cavity, soothing emotions.

She took a sip of scented tea to cover up the probing emotions in her eyes.

Si Junjue, what does he want to do?


At the dinner party, the lights were dazzling, and Lu Xiao stood in front of "Jiang Suisui", his compelling gaze swept "Jiang Suisui" from head to toe.

"Last night, did this guy do anything to you?"

Lu Xiaosen let out a cold voice, "Jiang Suisui" froze for a moment, his long eyelashes flapped, and only shook his head to Lu Xiao.

Lu Xiao stared at Jiang Suisui with a bright expression. She was really not like she was bullied by evil stars last night. If the two had an unpleasant relationship, Jiang Suisui's face could not be like this.

It seems that last night, Jiang Suisui and the evil star were in the same room, and had nothing to do with each other overnight.

Lu Xiao breathed a sigh of relief. When he turned his head to look at the evil star, the temperature in his golden eyes quickly cooled down.

An aura of arrogance and coldness exuded from the evil star. Standing in front of Lu Xiao, the smile in his eyes was full of jokes.

Is the evil star laughing at him?

Lu Xiao frowned slightly.

At this time, the symphony orchestra was on the scene, playing waltz dance music.

The opening dance of the dinner is about to begin.

Ye Shenger, who was standing behind Lu Xiao, said, "Brother Xiao, let's go dance."

Lu Xiao ignored Ye Sheng'er at all.

And "Jiang Suisui" said to the evil star: "Dance with me."

"Jiang Suisui" raised her sweet and tender face, her dark starry eyes staring at the evil star for an instant.

The evil star looked at her face and only felt her teeth itchy.

Before he said anything, "Jiang Suisui" stretched out his hand to hold his arm, dragged him, and walked towards the dance floor.

The evil star fell on the back of "Jiang Suisui"'s head, and his thin lips twitched slightly.

Ye Shenger watched Jiang Suisui and took the initiative to take the evil star onto the dance floor. She smiled and said:

"Brother Xiao, Jiang Suisui went to dance with the evil star, so please dance with me. We have never skipped a waltz.

If you satisfy my wish, I will support you later at the auction. "

"Not interested in."

Lu Xiao left the three words coldly, and he turned and walked to the corner where he could put the entire dance floor under his eyes.

Just so blazing, watching Jiang Suisui and the evil star on the dance floor.

Lu Xiao's gaze never looked away from Jiang Suisui for a moment.

"Jiang Suisui" put one hand on the shoulder of the evil star, and clasped the other's ten fingers with the other.

She tilted her head and asked in a sweet voice, "Mr. Bad Star, have you never skipped the waltz?"

"Well, I don't know much about it."

The man pulled up his lips and smiled badly.

"Jiang Suisui" stared at the man with a wild and arrogant smile, she felt a strange feeling inexplicably.

Suddenly, her toes hurt!

She was stepped on by the evil star! !

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