Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1003: It's so late, what are you doing here?

Chapter 1003 It’s so late, what are you doing here?

 She saw the news accidentally and was really angry.

Not long ago, Madam Gu praised him for calming down and no longer lingering in the flowers. Unexpectedly, just now, he made the headlines of the entertainment pages again.

 “What Yingying Yanyan?”

“Gu Xiaoer, keep pretending! Don’t think that since I’m abroad, I don’t pay attention to domestic news and say, who is that girl? Is she a child of a decent family?”

Gu Changning wanted to figure out whether that girl was the one who won his heart, or the one who won his heart.

Gu Jinglan, who was sleeping in a daze, suddenly woke up a lot when he heard the words Yingying Yanyan. At the same time, he got up and shouted angrily, "Gu Changning, don't think that I don't dare to beat you because you are my sister." You! What Yingying Yanyan, what kind of girl, what on earth are you talking about?"

Gu Changning didn't expect that he would dare to shout back, "Gu Xiaoer, okay, you've made your mark. Just read the domestic entertainment news and see if you, my good brother, have made the headlines again. "

 After being reminded by Gu Changning, Gu Jinglan also understood.

 “Hang up.” Without further ado, he immediately read the news on his mobile phone.

Sure enough, he is in the entertainment news again and is quite popular.

The diamond bachelor terminator and the most beloved girlfriend have all appeared.

 Gu Jinglan read down the pages one by one and was really disgusted. Suddenly, his fingers paused while sliding the page, and he thought of Zhao Qiuxu's abnormality.

  Could it be that...she saw the news and misunderstood him?

Thinking of this, Gu Jinglan grabbed his cell phone and went to the next room.

At this time, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening. Judging from the crack in the door, the lights were still on in the room, so she probably wasn't asleep yet.

Raised his hand and knocked on the door, Gu Jinglan cleared his throat, "Xuxu, can I come in?"

 Zhao Qiuxu was in a daze. The nurse had already gone out. She didn't need anyone to keep vigil.

She was startled when she suddenly heard a knock on the door.

What followed was Gu Jinglan's voice, and she was even more stunned.

Gu Jinglan is so late, what are you doing here?

She was silent. Gu Jinglan didn't get a response outside the door, so he pushed the door open and went away. When he saw her sitting on the bedside but didn't respond to him, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

 Obviously, she smiled at him when he left, but as soon as he came back, something was wrong with her.

Even the gifts were not confiscated, and they were given some inexplicable words to give to those in need.

 Thinking about it now, she was really angry.

Zhao Qiuxu looked at him. He came in without saying anything and handed the phone directly to her. Zhao Qiuxu lowered her head in confusion and glanced at the phone he handed over.

 On the mobile phone page, there is news about him.

Zhao Qiuxu pursed her lips and said nothing.

 Gu Jinglan saw that she was so stubborn and refused to say anything, so he couldn't help but chuckle, "Did you read the news?"


 “You misunderstood me.”


 “Look at this restaurant, is it British?”


“I’ve been in meetings these days and I’m so busy that I don’t even have time to sleep. Do you think I still have time to go on a date?”


“If you still don’t believe it, can I have someone check my flight records to see if I came back early?”


Gu Jinglan raked his hair irritably. He had a bad temper to begin with. The so-called gentleman and the so-called gentle young man were just an image he maintained in front of outsiders.

Zhao Qiuxu remained silent, completely irritating Gu Jinglan.

 (End of this chapter)

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