Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1031: Sophie, calm down!

Chapter 1031 Su Fu, calm down!

  It is her motherland after all. Su Fu likes country F, the architecture and the food here.

 Having a deep sense of familiarity and intimacy with Country F.

Originally I planned to stay for two days and then leave, but because Su Fu refused to leave, the trip was delayed.

 When it was time for lunch, Lucifer was going to take her to her favorite restaurant.

When they arrived at the restaurant, their vehicle was stopped by the restaurant’s security personnel, who were not allowed to park and asked them to leave immediately.

Because he didn’t want to attract attention, the Maibach that Lucifer was riding did not have the insignia of Duke Charles.

 The guards were circling around, inquiring about the situation.

The security staff said in a bad tone, "The restaurant has been cleared. Today the restaurant will only accept Miss Cecilia."

Soph, who was sitting in the back seat, happened to hear these words. She froze, Miss Cecilia...

At this moment, a black Rolls-Royce motorcade with the logo of the Onassis family came arrogantly.

The car doors opened at the same time, the bodyguards in uniform got out of the car, opened the door respectfully, and a woman slowly got out of the car.

Soph stared hard, clenching the hands on her knees unconsciously.

 She saw the restaurant manager leading the staff, standing at the door and bowing respectfully at 90 degrees to greet her, "Welcome Miss Cecilia."

 Cecilia raised her chin arrogantly and frowned slightly. She looked around and saw a vehicle that did not belong to the Onassis family parked in front of the restaurant. She felt insulted.

“What is that?” Cecilia’s slender fingers pointed at the three cars where Lucifer, Shangguan Ling and Su Fu were.

 The car windows were covered with black anti-explosion film, so everything inside could not be seen from the outside.

 The restaurant manager looked in the direction of Cecilia's finger and said tremblingly, "Sorry, Miss Cecilia, it was our negligence. We will drive the person away right now."

Cecilia raised the corners of her lips, glanced contemptuously, snorted coldly, turned around, and walked into the restaurant surrounded by bodyguards and managers like a proud queen surrounded by stars.

Soph felt that her blood was boiling, and the beast hiding in a dark corner of her heart was getting ready to escape.

 She clenched her fists so hard that her knuckles turned white.

 She opened the door with one hand and was about to get out of the car.

Shangguan Ling quickly pulled her back, closed the car door, and lowered his voice, "Su Fu, calm down."

"Shangguan Ling, let me go!" Su Fu's eyes were scarlet red, filled with terrifying bloodshot streaks, "I'm going to kill her!"

 That's her...

 It was that person who took away everything from her.

 The person who ruined her voice, her face, and gave her amnesia.

Her enemy was right in front of her, showing off his power, but she could only hide in the car and watch her through the car window.

 She is going to kill her.

 Kill her!

Once the evil thoughts came out, they could no longer control them. Su Fu struggled hard, her strength was amazing.

 At this moment, all the potential in the body exploded.

Shangguan Ling held her tightly in his arms, and there were several scratches on his handsome face from her nails, "Su Fu, calm down!"

Lucifer turned around and looked at the crazy Su Fu with worry: "Cecilia, calm down, now is not the time to be impulsive."


During the struggle, Su Fu slapped Shangguan Ling **** the face.

 (End of this chapter)

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