Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1053: Lucifer, I remember a lot of things

Chapter 1053 Lucifer, I remembered many things

“Shangguan Ling, you...”

 It’s so noisy.

Who is it that keeps making noise in her ears?

Su Fu frowned slightly and gradually opened her heavy eyelids. She saw the familiar scenery in front of her clearly.

 This is...a villa on an island.

 The next second, a surprised voice sounded, "Cecilia, are you awake?"

Lucifer and Shangguan Ling looked at her at the same time. The two enlarged handsome faces were right in front of them, and they looked at her with a touch of joy in their eyes.

Soph had a headache. She had a long dream. A lot of things happened in the dream, and every scene was very clear.


Su Fu looked at Lucifer. After a few seconds of pause, she turned to Shangguan Ling and said, "Shangguan Ling."

 After calling out their names clearly, Lucifer and Shangguan Ling both had expressions of relief on their faces.

Su Fu struggled to sit up. Shangguan Ling helped her up with quick eyes and hands. A deep voice sounded in her ears, "Are you thirsty? Do you want some water? Are you hungry? The kitchen has prepared something for you."

Sitting on the bedside, Su Fu felt weak and had no strength at all.

 For the three days she was in coma, she had been relying on nutrient solution to maintain her body functions.

I just woke up now, and I feel very dizzy. After sitting for a while, the suffocating feeling in my chest disappeared.

Her eyes fell on Lucifer's face, and she said calmly: "Shangguan Ling, you go out first, I have something to say to Lucifer."

Shangguan Ling sat motionless, the expression on his face was extremely cold, and his dark eyes were locked on her with complicated gaze.

 “You go out first.” Su Fu increased her voice.

 “What do you want to say to him?”

 “Something from the past.”

 It's a good thing from the past.

Shangguan Ling looked at her deeply, stood up and left.

 The bedroom door closed, Lucifer looked a little confused. He hesitated for a few seconds and asked: "Cecilia, are you..."

 “Lucifer, I’ve thought of many things.”

 This opening sentence successfully shocked Lucifer.

He held Su Fu's hand in disbelief, excited and shocked, "Cecilia, what did you say? What did you remember?"

 "My father, mother, uncle, aunt Isabel, Tang En and you..."

During these three days of coma, she had a long dream. She was like a bystander, standing in God's vision, watching everything that happened.

 Feel the complex relationships between characters, and even see the greed of human nature.

Lucifer reached out his hand tremblingly, with suppressed ecstasy in his eyes, and slowly caressed her face, "Cecilia, what you it true? Do you really remember it?"

His Cecilia is coming back, which is exciting news!

Soph raised her hand and rubbed her aching head. She shook her head slowly, "I just remembered some intermittent fragments. If you ask Angus to come over, maybe he can do something."

 “Okay, just wait, I’ll call Angus over right away!”

Lucifer quickly left the bedroom. Su Fu was rubbing her forehead when she saw a tall body leaning on the door frame from the corner of her eye.

Shangguan Ling's handsome face was as if covered with ice. He crossed his arms coldly and looked at her coldly.

Soph put down her hand, pursed her lips, and looked at him fearlessly.

A few seconds later, Shangguan Ling's thin lips curled up slightly, revealing an extremely sarcastic smile, "Don't you have anything to say to me?"

 After she woke up, her eyes were different.

 (End of this chapter)

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