Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1067: I forced myself to kiss Tang En!

 Chapter 1067 I kissed Tang En forcefully!

 Then he took a glass of red wine and came to Tang En's side.

 “Tang En, long time no see.”

Hearing this, Tang En turned around. Lucifer smiled and raised his glass to him.

Tang En smiled slightly and nodded, raised his glass and touched it lightly with him. Lucifer used too much force, and the red wine in the goblet spilled out, staining Tang En's shirt.

Lucifer was stunned for a moment, then said apologetically, "Sorry, Tang En, you go to the bathroom to deal with it first. I'll have someone prepare a new set of shirts for you right away."

"It's okay." Tang En looked calm, put down his wine glass, and said softly, "I'm sorry," and went to the bathroom.

Looking at Tang En's back, Lucifer said into the wireless headset, "Dear, Tang En has gone to the bathroom."

 “Copy that! Well done, Lucifer!”

Su Fu's excited voice came, and then she turned off the wireless headset.

 She ran quickly to the bathroom and waited in the corridor.

  Leo was asked to lead people to guard the corridor in advance. After leaving Tang En, no unrelated people were allowed in.

Soon, Su Fu saw a familiar figure. He had a cold face and a tall and straight figure, like a orchid or a jade tree.

 The shirt was wet with red wine.

Even so, he still looked calm and calm, neither impatient nor annoyed.

Su Fu pulled up her mask and stepped forward. Tang En saw a girl walking towards him, her eyes staring straight at him.

His brows furrowed slightly, and he stepped aside. Su Fu also stepped aside, blocking his way.

Tang En frowned and was about to go around her and leave, but Su Fu stopped him firmly. When he went left, she went left, and when he went right, she went right.

The two of them faced off back and forth for several times. Just when Tang En was about to speak, Su Fu took a step forward, raised her arms and hugged his neck, and pulled his head down.

 She kissed his thin lips through the mask.

Tang En was stunned for a few seconds. When he came to his senses, Su Fu had already fled.

 He ​​stroked his thin lips with one hand, turned around, and looked at the direction where Su Fu disappeared, with a blank look on his face.

Lucifer was waiting for her outside the banquet hall. He thought he would have to wait for a while, but he didn't expect to see Su Fu running back in a hurry so soon.

 “Dear, you...”

 “Stop talking and walk quickly!”

Soph grabbed Lucifer's arm, dragged him and ran outside.

Lucifer didn't know why, so he passively ran with her. It wasn't until he left the hotel and got into the car that Su Fu pulled down his mask and slumped down on the back of the chair, panting.

Lucifer was extremely confused, "Dear, didn't you say you were going to block Tang En, and you came back so soon?"

 “Stop…stop talking.”

“Why, you saw that Tang En didn’t say anything?” Lucifer clicked his tongue, “Cecilia is not such a timid person.”

Su Fu patted her chest with one hand, her heart still beating wildly. She held it in for a long time before she said, "I kissed Tang En forcefully!"

just now!

 Just in the corridor outside the bathroom!

 She, Cecilia, forcibly kissed her fiancé Tang En!

 It feels very exciting!

 My heart is like a deer bumping around!

Before Lucifer could say the joke he was about to say, he choked at her sudden words.

 “You...what did you say?” He must have been hearing hallucinations.

Su Fu turned her head suddenly, her beautiful eyes sparkling, "I told you, I just forced a kiss on Tang En!"

[Happy April Fools' Day to all the fairies, here comes the 100,000-word update~ For this surprise, Dean spent more than half a month saving the manuscript, hoo~~ Do you still want the update tomorrow~ Use the monthly recommendation ticket to vote Please tell Dean~~]

 (End of this chapter)

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