Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1089: I won't give you a child

 Chapter 1089 I will not give you a child

Su Fu rubbed her face against his palm, her beautiful eyes filled with a trace of fear, "Besides, I still have so many things to do, I still have yet to avenge myself, and I haven't regained my identity yet... How can I…"

 Her suddenness and helplessness were vividly released at this moment through her gentle voice.

A cold smile appeared on Shangguan Ling's thin lips, "It doesn't matter. After giving birth to the child, you can do what you want without any scruples. For example, take revenge, or take back your identity and everything you have."

 “But…what about the child?”

“Will there be no one to take care of my Shangguan Ling’s child?”

Suf felt a little strange when she heard this, "Who do you want to take care of my child?"

 “I, my mother, or my servant are all fine.”

"No!" Su Fu snorted, deliberately not wanting to have a child, and racking her brains to find excuses. "The child will only be close to the mother if it stays with the biological mother. If it is left to others to take care of, it is better not to have a child. I I don’t want my child to be separated from me and become intimate with others.”

“Then we’ll discuss the issue of taking care of the child after you give birth to the child.” Shangguan Ling hurriedly raised her weight and silenced her.

 Soph: “…”

 Okay, let’s not talk about this for now.

She rubbed her head against his palm and snorted, "Hurry and help me put on my clothes. You're not really going to leave me undressed, are you?"

 “What’s not to do?”

 “That’s so embarrassing…”

“I’ll take off my clothes too, just to accompany you?”

"I don't want to! What if someone sees me? Besides, if you keep looking at me like this, you will easily get tired of aesthetics. What if you lose your sexual interest in me?"

Soph didn't care anymore. She had already said everything she could and couldn't say.

As long as it can dispel Shangguan Ling's perverted idea, she is willing to do anything.

“Don’t worry, I will always be sexually interested in you.”

Shangguan Ling let go of her face, caressed her back, lowered his head, and whispered in her ear with his thin lips, "I'm serious."

Su Fu stamped her feet angrily and said angrily, "Do you still want to have a baby?!"

 “Are you willing to give birth?” Shangguan Ling lifted her chin, forcing her to look at him.

Sufu knew that she could not escape. She kept going against him, and the only one who would suffer was herself.

  It is better to stabilize him first and wait for him to relax his guard before finding a way to leave.

"It depends on your behavior. If you treat me well, I will be willing. If you treat me badly, I will not give you a child."

Even though he knew that she was just using a delaying tactic, Shangguan Ling still relented.

 Actually, as long as she be good, obedient, stop thinking about other men, and stay by his side with peace of mind.

Even if she wants the moon in the sky, he is willing to give it to her.

"Su Fu, as long as you are good, I will naturally treat you well." Shangguan Ling let go of her and turned to leave.

Looking at his leaving figure, Su Fu did not dare to delay, immediately picked up the bathrobe on the ground and put it on quickly.

 Shangguan Ling stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, puffing away smoke, and frowning tightly. Su Fu came out of the bathroom and saw her tall back standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, her fingertips lit up.

 The bedroom was filled with the smell of nicotine.

Soph came behind him, hugged his lean waist, and pressed her face against his back.

 The man stiffened and turned his head slightly, as if he couldn't believe it.

After a long time, he asked hoarsely, "What's wrong?"

 (End of this chapter)

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