Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1208: I just miss you so much

 Chapter 1208 I just miss you so much

 Understanding the hidden meaning in his words, He Junbai just smiled and nodded without saying anything.

Watching the two people leave, the smile on He Junbai's face disappeared little by little from the corners of his lips.

 His eyes were once again overwhelmed by loneliness.

 Gu Jinglan helped Zhao Qiuxu leave the infirmary. Zhao Qiuxu walked very slowly because of her leg injury, and Gu Jinglan also slowed down to match her speed.

 There was an awkwardness between the two of them.

Zhao Qiuxu called him over with the excuse of leg pain. He anxiously took her to the infirmary. After examination, the doctor said that she was recovering very well.

 Zhao Qiuxu felt embarrassed that she had lied and was exposed in person.

Zhao Qiuxu walked slower and slower. Gu Jinglan simply stopped and frowned slightly, "What's the matter? Does your leg hurt again?"

This word is also used, which is really ironic.

Zhao Qiuxu lowered his head, his face was very hot, "It doesn't hurt..."

 “Why don’t you leave if it doesn’t hurt?”

"I..." Zhao Qiuxu raised her head suddenly and said bravely, "Yes, I said my leg hurts as an excuse. I lied to you. In fact, I just wanted to see you."

 Gu Jinglan smiled playfully, "I thought you were so good at lying, but it turns out you are so vulnerable."

“Then you still don’t believe it?” Zhao Qiuxu looked at him, dazzled by his smile, and felt that her mood became lighter because of his charming smile.

 The embarrassment and heaviness just now are completely gone.

"Yeah, even though you lied, I still believed it." Gu Jinglan nodded to himself, let go of her hand, and rubbed his chin with one hand, "So, next time, I won't believe what you say easily. .”

"Why?" Zhao Qiuxu was anxious. Just because of her lie, would he not believe anything she said in the future?

 She said she liked him and loved him, but it was true!

More real than real money and silver!

Gu Jinglan stretched out his index finger and poked her forehead, "Because you have a criminal record, my trust in you is temporarily gone."

"Gu Jinglan, you can't be like this." Zhao Qiuxu hurriedly grabbed his hand and defended herself angrily, "I just missed you so much that I had no choice but to do this. If you blame me, then Trace it back to the source, and you are still to blame.”

Gu Jinglan was happy, he raised the corners of his lips and stared at her with a bit of scorn, "You lied, the fault is still on me? This is really weird, Zhao Qiuxu, will you blush when you say this? Yours Doesn’t your conscience hurt?”

Zhao Qiuxu snorted and puffed up her cheeks, "My conscience will not hurt, but it will be you, Mr. Gu, Mr. Gu Jinglan, what do you mean by avoiding me? I have already gone to your house, you Why are you still leaving?”

  When talking about what happened that day, the smile on Gu Jinglan's face froze. There was nothing to explain.

At that time, he left just because he didn’t want to have any more entanglements.

Who would have thought that she would come to him on his own initiative, and who would have thought that she would resort to brutal means to see him?

I don’t want to get entangled anymore, but I still get entangled.


Who allowed her to be kind to him? After all, the person standing in front of him was not an ordinary person, but his savior.

Gu Jinglan lowered his head and sighed almost inaudibly. He raised his head again, and the smile appeared on his lips again, "Okay, it's my fault. I'm at fault."

 “You are in the wrong, it is your fault.”

“Okay, whatever supplement Ms. Zhao wants, if it’s not difficult, I’ll agree to it.”

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 (End of this chapter)

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