Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1215: When I see you, I want to hug you and kiss you

Chapter 1215: When I see you, I want to hug you and kiss you

Jiangchuan opened the car door, and Shangguan Ling got into the car. He picked up a bottle of water, unscrewed the cap and was about to drink, when he found that she was looking at him and paused while drinking, "Do you want to drink?"

Su Fu shook her head. She looked at Shangguan Ling suspiciously, "What did you say to my parents?"

Shangguan Ling took a sip of water, moistened his throat, and then said slowly, "Ask my uncle and aunt when they will marry you to me. If it rains today, I won't marry you. If it doesn't rain today, I will marry you." I."

 What a load of nonsense!

There was deep disgust in Su Fu's eyes. She knew without even thinking that he was fooling her again.

"What's that look in your eyes?" Shangguan Ling capped the bottle, put down the water, and then held her chin.

He brought her head in front of her and looked at her carefully for a while. The red circles under her eyes had gradually recovered.

That nasal sound that made me shed tears because of sadness is gone.

 It seems that she is still very good at regulating her emotions and does not need him to enlighten her at all.

Su Fu pursed her red lips slightly, almost subconsciously, "I dislike the look in your eyes."

Shangguan Ling couldn't help but kiss him. There was no deep kiss, just a brief kiss. Su Fu looked at him with disgust again, "Shangguan Ling, why do you like kissing so much?"

 “You don’t like it?”

   …” It’s not that I don’t like it, I have to pay attention to moderation in everything.

 If he goes too far, his liking will turn into dislike sooner or later.

Shangguan Ling hugged her, his handsome face pressed against her smooth and soft cheek, and he rubbed it gently, "When I see you, I want to hug you and kiss you. Who makes us Fufu so cute?"

 “I’m not cute.”

 “Then what are you?”

 “I am a goddess.”

Shangguan Ling patted her head, with an obviously coaxing tone, "Okay, Goddess Su, we should go back to the hotel."

 “No, I should go back.”

Shangguan Ling slowly let go of her, his face became a little colder, "Where are you going back?"

"Go back to the manor. Gabby should be angry when we left last night." Gabby would be angry when she thought that she only took Harry away and left Gabi behind.

 She is going back to coax Gabby now.

 In addition, Isabel is still in the basement of the manor. What is going on with her, as a cousin, I should go and see her.

 If you don’t see how miserable she is now, how can you be worthy of the harm you have suffered?

"I'll go back with you." Shangguan Ling had made up her mind and would never let her go back alone.

What kind of person is Lucifer? He was willing to let her go last night, but that's not the case tonight.

 Plus...Harry is not here, and he is worried that something will happen to Sovereign and Lucifer that he doesn't know about.

 So, he could only accompany her back in person.

Su Fu shrank to the car door. She stretched out her index finger and shook it from side to side in front of Shangguan Ling's eyes. "No, Lucifer doesn't like you, so you can't go. Besides, what's the point of accompanying me back?"

"I am your husband." Shangguan Ling pursed his thin lips and said confidently.

His eyes slowly moved down and fell on her belly. Maybe there was already his precious daughter secretly pregnant inside.

Su Fu was stunned for a few seconds, and suddenly burst into laughter. She covered her stomach tightly with her hands and leaned forward and backward, "Shangguan Ling, don't be ridiculous. When did you become my husband? Don't add drama to yourself. "

 He is adding drama to himself?

Shangguan Ling snorted coldly, turned his head to the side, and looked at the rapidly reversing scenery outside the car window.

Start updating ~ wave your handkerchief, and if you have a monthly ticket, please remember to vote for Dean ~



 (End of this chapter)

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