Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1223: Her body and mind already belong to me

 Chapter 1223 Her body and mind already belong to me

“They are dead, they are all dead...hahaha...go to **** to find them!”

Soph closed her eyes, the anger in her chest could no longer be controlled.

 “Shut up! Shut up!”

Soph suddenly tightened her grip on the knife, raised her hand and swung it at Isabel, causing her skin and flesh to rip open.

Isabel screamed crazily, crying and laughing, "Grandpa... open your eyes and see, this is what Cecilia did to me..."

"You are worse than an animal!" Su Fu threw the knife away with one hand, disgusted by her blood, "You don't deserve to be called grandpa."

Gabby howled, jumped up and pounced on her, biting off a piece of flesh from her leg in one bite.


 Isabel screamed sharply, and suddenly fainted from the pain.

Lucifer helped Suf, who was a little out of control, out of the basement. Gabby followed him out. Standing in the sun, Suf's cold hands gradually began to feel warm.

She lowered her eyes and watched Lucifer hold her hand tightly. The warmth from his hand was continuously transmitted to her skin and gradually penetrated.

Soph secretly exhaled a breath, "Lucifer, I'm fine, Isabel can't hurt me yet."

 “I know Cecilia is indestructible, but I’m still worried about you.”

 Lucifer hugged her and patted her back with one hand, "My dear, I will always be here."

Gabby also nuzzled up, rubbing her head against Su Fu's legs.

It only gave up after making Su Fu laugh.


Shangguan Ling stood in front of the full-length mirror, adjusting his shirt cufflinks. He turned his head slightly and looked at the obvious hickey on his neck.

 Sexy thin lips outline a charming arc.

 Lucifer, no matter what if you tie Su Fu to your side, it is undeniable that her body and mind already belong to me.

 Look, this hickey is proof.

Shangguan Ling frowned angrily when he thought of the little goblin, wishing he could catch her back and throw her on the bed to clean her up.

"Master, the car has been prepared. Do you want to go now?"

The news of Shangguan Ling's arrival in Country F soon reached the ears of the Prime Minister of Country F. Tonight, he specially invited Shangguan Ling to have dinner at the Prime Minister's Office.

Shangguan Ling could have refused, but then he thought about Su Fu and asked Jiang Chuan to agree.

No matter what, Su Fu is from F country. As long as she wants to regain her own identity and everything she owns, she will inevitably have to deal with the political power.

 He ​​is a businessman in country A. Even though he has privileges in country A, it is difficult for him to extend his business in country F.

 Hence, he deserves to enjoy this dinner.

At six o'clock in the evening, the Prime Minister's secretary came to pick up Shangguan Ling in person. The black Mai Ba He led the way.

Shangguan Ling lit a cigarette and smoked it carelessly. He took out his mobile phone in one hand and called Su Fu.


At the other end, Su Fu’s voice was a little weak, and she felt weak.

Shangguan Ling raised his eyebrows and asked, "What's wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"


 “Tell me, what happened?”

Su Fu lay on the bed, rubbing her face against the fluffy and soft pillow, "Shangguan Ling, can you really not find where Herman and Jennifer are?"

Isabel said that Herman and Jennifer were dead, but she didn’t believe it!

 She will not believe that Herman and Jennifer are dead, they cannot die...

 She survived tenaciously, and they will definitely be fine and survive.

 (End of this chapter)

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