Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1239: Cecilia, it's all over

Chapter 1239 Cecilia, everything is over

"Then don't go up there today." Shangguan Ling said lightly, then threw the question to her and let her make her own decision.

 Should we go up in his car, or not go up at all today.

 In the end, Sufu compromised.

 If she fights with a scoundrel, she will only lose in the end.

 Returning to her long-lost home, Su Fu had mixed feelings. After more than a year, she finally came back.

 The road up the mountain seemed particularly long.

While she was waiting, she finally came to Onassis Castle. Looking at the majestic building, she felt sad in her heart.

 Daddy, Mummy, Cecilia did it.

"Cecilia, everything is over." Lucifer knew that she was feeling sad, so he took a few steps forward, held her face, lowered his head and comforted her as gently as water.

"I know." Su Fu closed her eyes and nodded slowly.

 The housekeeper learned that Miss Cecilia was back and lined up with the servants to welcome her.

Soph sneered but said nothing.

  She has not forgotten that Lucifer said that the housekeeper also has problems.

The housekeeper's spine was chilled by her stare, and he couldn't help but asked tremblingly, "Miss Cecilia, do you have any orders?"

 “I’ll give you ten minutes to get everyone together.”

After leaving the words behind, Su Fu walked around the housekeeper and stepped into the room.

 Ten minutes later, more than 300 people in Onassis Castle, including servants and servants, gathered together.

 The housekeeper didn't know what happened, let alone what happened to Miss Cecilia, so he had no choice but to do as she said.

At this time, more than 300 people were standing under the scorching sun, their uniforms already wet with sweat.

 The wet and sticky feeling sticks to the body, which makes people feel extremely uncomfortable.

The most uncomfortable thing is not the sweat, but the poisonous sunshine.

The dazzling and poisonous sunlight seems to be able to dry out all the water in the human body. Even if there is no water in the body, it is still sweating, and the water loss in the body is aggravated.

 Gradually, some people began to be unable to hold on any longer.

 In the crowd of servants, there began to be whispers of discussion—

 “What’s wrong with Miss Cecilia?”

 “Who knows…”

“Is it possible that Master Tang En has embarrassed Miss Cecilia again?”

"Isn't it true... Miss Cecilia takes it out on us every time she gets angry at Master Tang En."

“Stop talking, is Cecilia someone you can discuss at will?”

 There are some timid people who have already begun to smooth things over.

Some people also started to whisper suggestions to the housekeeper—

“Butler, why don’t you ask Miss Cecilia how long we need to stand?”

"Yes, so that we can know what mistakes we have made, and Miss Cecilia wants to punish us like this."

The housekeeper had no choice but to bear it, so he stepped into the cool and comfortable room.

Seeing the stunningly beautiful Miss Cecilia standing in the center of the hall, the housekeeper always felt that something was wrong. When he thought about it carefully, the only thing that was wrong was that her face became more and more delicate.

Even the sound has returned to its former state.

 While gathering the servants, he tried to call Andre, but there was always no answer.

 Now, the housekeeper suddenly had a terrifying suspicion in his mind...

If his guess is correct, the consequences will be disastrous.

The housekeeper can only comfort himself, no, it won’t be like this...

 Everything is just his conjecture, how can it come true?

 “Who let you in?”

Soph's delicate chin was slightly raised, showing her innate nobility.

 (End of this chapter)

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