Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1254: Lucifer, wake up!

Chapter 1254 Lucifer, wake up!

Jiang Chuan had a look of despair on his face. Under the pressure of Shangguan Ling's impatient eyes, he accepted his fate and jumped into the fountain.


 Water splashes everywhere.

When Jiang Chuan climbed up wet, he saw his handsome and noble young master, and pointed his slender fingers again.

Jiangchuan lowered his head in resignation, "Yes, young master."


 Another splash of water.

Just when Shangguan Ling was about to ask him to dance for the third time, his cell phone rang. He took it out and glanced at it, "Jing Lan, what's the matter?"

 “Shangguan, I need your help with something.”

Gu Jinglan's voice sounded extremely heavy, with traces of hoarseness. Shangguan Ling raised his eyebrows, what happened again?

 “Tell me what’s going on.”

 Gu Jinglan's voice revealed endless fatigue, "Something happened last night. Please help me find out who did it."

From last night to now, the media reporters in the morning, Zhao Qiuxu was sent to the wrong room, and the matter between her and Mu Chenhua...

One thing after another, like scenes from a movie, the scenes passed by in my mind.

 It wasn’t until the news began to be broadcast overwhelmingly that his confused mind finally came to his senses.

This matter is not as simple as imagined, maybe it was a conspiracy from the beginning.

 This conspiracy includes him.

 Perhaps he was the one others dealt with, while Zhao Qiuxu innocently became cannon fodder.

No matter what happened, Gu Jinglan was responsible for what happened to Zhao Qiuxu, and he couldn't escape his involvement.

 He will not let Mu Chenhua bully her, never!

 Gu Jinglan didn’t say anything clearly on the phone, and Shangguan Ling couldn’t make a conclusion. “Where are you? I’ll go find you.”

 “I’m at the company, you come directly to the office.”

 Hang up the phone, Shangguan Ling turned his head and looked at Jiang Chuan who had just climbed out of the fountain, "Get the car ready!"

Jiang Chuan jumped to the ground helplessly, "Yes, Master!"


  Country F.

 In the basement of the manor.

Andre has been moved to the room next to Isabel. The father and daughter are separated by a wall. They hear the painful wails of their loved ones every day. This feeling is tantamount to laziness.

When Shangguan Ling is away, Su Fu can go to Lucifer's manor every day.

 “Good morning, Miss Cecilia.” The servants greeted her respectfully.

Soph nodded, "Where's Lucifer?"

 “Your Highness hasn’t gotten up yet.”

 “I’ll go find him.”

 After saying that, Suv took Gabi with her and went upstairs to Lucifer's bedroom.

  He raised his hand and knocked on the door, but there was no response from the bedroom.

Soph pushed the door open with one hand. The bedroom was pitch dark, without any light, and he couldn't see his fingers.

 She turned on the light and saw Lucifer lying on the bed, with an abnormal blush on his face.

She quickly walked to the bedside and touched the temperature of his forehead with one hand. The temperature was frighteningly high.

She didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately picked up the landline phone and pressed the intercom, asking the servant to call the doctor.

Slapping Lucifer's face with one hand, Su Fu shouted worriedly: "Lucifer, wake up! Lucifer, wake up!"

Gabby seemed to feel her master's communication. She jumped and lay on the bed with her front paws, staring at Lucifer with a pair of tiger eyes.

Hurrying footsteps were heard in the corridor. The servant and the doctor had already arrived at the bedroom door. After knocking politely, they immediately pushed the door open and came in.

"Miss Cecilia, what's wrong with Your Highness?" The doctor rushed to the bedside in a panic, with a worried look on his face.

 (End of this chapter)

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