Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1256: It's time for Fufu to meet his parents

 Chapter 1256 It’s time for Fufu to meet his parents

She frowned and didn't intend to answer.

However, the cell phone has been ringing non-stop, quite like someone who will not give up until he achieves his goal.

She took out her phone and took a look. Sure enough, it was him.

Sophie picked up the phone and held it between her ear and shoulder. She pulled out some tissues and wiped her hands clean.

"what's up?"

Shangguan Ling on the other end of the phone frowned deeply. Is something wrong?

 Can't he call her if nothing happens?

Shangguan Ling snorted displeasedly, "Su Fu, can't I come find you if nothing happens?"

“At least not now, I’m busy. If nothing happens, I’ll hang up.”

Su Fu was about to hang up the phone when Shangguan Ling growled angrily, "Wait a minute!"

Su Fu sighed angrily, "If you have anything to say, please tell me quickly. I'm very busy."

At this moment, Shangguan Ling wanted to rush in front of her, hold her in his arms and beat her up.

“Did you know something happened to Zhao Qiuxu?” Shangguan Ling held a cigarette in his mouth and lowered his head to light it.

Su Fu paused and raised her voice in surprise: "Who are you talking about?"

“Zhao Qiuxu, your congenial friend Zhao Qiuxu.”

 “What happened to her?”

“It’s not convenient to tell you on the phone. Come back first and we’ll handle it together.”

Su Fu snorted coldly and returned to country A to deal with it together?

 Before I told her what happened, I wanted to trick her into returning to country A and dreaming about it.

Su Fu arrogantly refused, "I won't go back."

"Fufu, this matter is no small matter. Whether Zhao Qiuxu can survive this or not depends on you." Shangguan Ling said seriously, as if Zhao Qiuxu was about to die.

Su Fu was flustered. She pursed her lips, and a chill appeared in the depths of her beautiful eyes. "If you want me to go back and deal with it, you must at least tell me what happened. I will make my own judgment on whether I should go back."

 “Zhao Qiuxu was hurt.”

Soph was silent.

Zhao Qiuxu loves Gu Jinglan wholeheartedly. If the person who raped her was Gu Jinglan, then Shangguan Ling would not make this call to her now.

 Obviously, that person was not Gu Jinglan, that's why Shangguan Ling made the call.

 In other words...Zhao Qiuxu was bullied.

Soph untied her apron with one hand, turned around and walked out, "I'm flying to country A tonight."

“Well, I’ll pick you up at the airport.” Shangguan Ling raised the corners of his lips with satisfaction. It seemed that it was time for Fufu to meet his parents.

Sophie hung up the phone and paced anxiously back and forth in the living room. Gabby followed her. She kept pacing, and Gabby kept pacing.

One person and one tiger almost knocked people out.

"Miss Cecilia, what's wrong with you?" Dick came back from outside and saw this scene. He took two steps forward and asked with concern.

Soph turned her head and looked at Dick. After thinking about it, she decided to take Dick with her.

"Dick, go make arrangements. Fly to country A in the evening, and you will come with me. There are some things that you need to deal with."

 “Miss Cecilia, you are going back to country A, does your highness know?”

“Lucifer is sick. Something happened to my friend in country A. I plan to take care of Lucifer and fly there in one day.”

Dick nodded and agreed without any hesitation: "Yes, Miss Cecilia. I'll go get ready right away."

Back in the kitchen, Su Fu learned how to make porridge from the head chef. Although she couldn't compare with the head chef's skill, she still managed to pass the test.

 She personally carried the thick, soft glutinous porridge she had just cooked upstairs.

Upstairs, the abnormal blush on Lucifer's face has faded a lot, and doctors and servants are watching over him.

 (End of this chapter)

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