Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1280: Fufu, don't be impulsive

Chapter 1280 Fufu, don’t be impulsive

He picked up a bowl of viscous porridge and fed it to her lips with a spoon.

Soph turned her head away and motioned for him to take it away first while she would eat later.

Shangguan Ling didn't care. Wherever she turned her head, the spoon in his hand followed.

"Shangguan Ling, you..." Su Fu glared at him angrily. Shangguan Lingjun's face was expressionless, and he was still in a stalemate.

On the other end of the phone, Lucifer seemed to hear her words, "Cecilia, are you talking to that guy Guan Ling?"

“No, where were we talking about just now?” Su Fu said, opening her mouth to drink the porridge.

Shangguan Ling's frown relaxed a little.

Isn’t he just a Lucifer? Is Lucifer more important than him?

 He is the father of her child, can he be compared to Lucifer?

The phone call with Lucifer lasted for more than ten minutes. Shangguan Ling had already fed her a bowl of porridge and hung up the phone. Su Fu glared at Shangguan Ling angrily.

Shangguan Ling put down the spoon and put the bowl on the bedside table.

His thin lips were pressed tightly, and there was no expression on his handsome face. There was a trace of coldness in his cold eyes, "Fufu, let's have a good talk."

 “What are you talking about?” Su Fu stared at him warily.

 What he wants to talk about is definitely not good.

"Can you clearly distinguish the importance of me and Lucifer in your heart?"

"Of course." Su Fu nodded seriously, "Lucifer's status in my heart is unmatched by anyone."

 The implication includes you, Shangguan Ling.

Shangguan Ling secretly took a deep breath, "Then can you please not have any contact with Lucifer when you are with me?"

Just like before, she was caring about Lucifer, but he was worried about whether she would be hungry.

 When will she be able to put herself in his shoes and be considerate of him?

Su Fu clenched her phone. She stared at Shangguan Ling for a moment, and realized that he was not joking, but was discussing with her very seriously.

Soph pondered for a moment, then suddenly laughed. She lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

"Where are you going?"

Shangguan Ling stood up suddenly and stood in front of her. His tall body was like an unshakable mountain, blocking all her ways.

Su Fu raised her head and said calmly: "Shangguan Ling, when you accuse me, you should also look at what you did."

 What happened to her and Lucifer?

She and Lucifer grew up together, and Lucifer was a brother and friend to her, just like family.

 But what about Pan Yu?

 Who is Pan Yu to him?

 Ever since Pan Yu tried to **** him and then tried to kill her to silence her, he has never dealt with Pan Yu. What does this mean?

Now that the truth is finally revealed, Pan Yu is Chu Xiangyi's sister, and he has even more reason not to touch Pan Yu.

Not only did Pan Yu not be dealt with, he also let her live in the manor, appeared in front of her blatantly, provoked her, and showed off his power.

Doesn’t he feel that he is wrong in all these cases?

Soph opened the closet, took out a light-colored knitted skirt, and went into the bathroom to change into it.

After changing her skirt, she came out of the bathroom. Shangguan Ling was leaning on the quilt by the door, smoking.

 When he saw her coming out, he just glanced at her lightly and blew out a puff of smoke.

Soph picked up her mobile phone and walked out.

Shangguan Ling remained motionless and showed no intention of getting out of the way. Su Fu pursed her lips and said, "Get out of the way."

"Fufu, don't be impulsive." Shangguan Ling narrowed his cold eyes and warned in a low voice.

 (End of this chapter)

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