Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1288: He must put it on Su Fu

Chapter 1288 He must put it on Su Fu

 No one else, just you and me.

 No one comes to disturb, no one comes to interfere, just me and you.


Three days later, Jiang Chuan sent an anklet studded with diamonds to Shangguan Ling.

“Master, I have made a new anklet as per your request. Look.”

Shangguan Ling took the exquisite and small anklet and played with it in his hand. It was indeed delicate enough. He only needed to put the anklet on Su Fu's slender ankle.

 Even if she hides in the corner of the world, he can accurately pick her out.

 But, she is in country F now, how can he put this anklet on her ankle?

 Do I... still want to find her?

Thinking of this, Shangguan Ling put a hand on his forehead and glanced coldly at Jiangchuan.

Jiang Chuan felt shuddered, thinking that he had done something wrong and made his young master angry, "Master, is there something that you are still dissatisfied with?"

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier that the group has developed these things?”

If you tell him earlier, wouldn't he be able to put the anklet on Su Fu's ankle earlier?

“Master, you didn’t even ask...” Jiangchuan took the blame for some reason. K Group independently developed too many weapons and weapons to count.

How did he know to tell him about this little thing about global GPS positioning?

"If I don't ask, you won't report it?" Shangguan Ling's eyes darkened coldly, and Jiang Chuan immediately lowered his head, "Master, I'm sorry... I was derelict in my duty."

 No matter what, just admit your mistake first.

Shangguan Ling took the anklet and weighed it in his palm, with a reserved look in his eyes, "Get ready and fly to country F immediately."

 Anklet, he must put it on Su Fu.

Downstairs, Pan Yu was watching Mrs. Shangguan make tea, and her compliments reached Shangguan Ling's ears from time to time.

He went downstairs. Mrs. Shangguan heard the movement, raised her head and looked at him: "Aling, where are you going?"

 “Go to country F.” After saying that, Shangguan Ling stretched out his long legs, came to the sofa, and took Harry, who was sleeping soundly with his belly open, into his arms.

Harry meowed in a circle, opened his eyes and saw his master, so he closed his eyes again and continued to sleep.

“Are you leaving now?” Mrs. Shangguan stood up. She knew without thinking that he must have gone to find Su Fu.

Soph got angry and ran away without him pursuing her.

Shangguan’s wife made a bet with Shangguan Ting on how many days he could endure before chasing him.

Unexpectedly, it has only been three days and I can no longer bear it.

“Well, I’m going to the airport soon. Goodbye, mother.” Shangguan Ling didn’t even look at the pretentious Pan Yu.

Pan Yu looked at his back and warned softly, "Master, pay attention to safety and have a safe journey."

By the time he finished speaking, the man's back had disappeared from sight.

Pan Yu turned around and saw Mrs. Shangguan looking at her. She hesitated for a while, raised her hand and touched her face, "What's wrong? Is there something on my face? You keep staring at me?"

“From now on, don’t call me Master Aring.” She is no longer a slave girl.

 She is a suitable sister, and it is inappropriate to call her young master.

"Then...what should I call you, Master?" Pan Yu bit her lower lip, looking embarrassed.

 Do you want to call him Brother Ling like Chu Xiangyi?

Brother Ling…

 Thinking about it, it feels intimate.

 Mrs. Shangguan thought for a moment, "Just like Jing Lan and Jun Bai, let's call her Shangguan."

Pan Yu was waiting for Mrs. Shangguan to ask her to do the same as Chu Xiangyi and call her brother Shangguan Lingling. Unexpectedly, the person waiting for her was Shangguan.

 (End of this chapter)

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