Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1300: She's had enough!

 Chapter 1300 She has had enough!

“Then tell me who is your wife, Chu Xiangyi or who?!”

Su Fu asked in a sinister tone, with irrepressible anger in her voice.

  It was transmitted to his ears through the radio waves.

She was angry, and Shangguan Ling was naturally happy, but who the **** was Chu Xiangyi?

Shangguan Ling frowned and said in a deep voice: "It's you, it's you Su Fu, it's no one but you."

 “Huh!” Su Fu snorted coldly, not believing a word of what he said.

One Chu Xiangyi is not enough, there is also Pan Yu left. She is really fed up!

 The women around him were like the waves, coming and going in a steady stream.

 When one person leaves, there will always be another person to take over.

 From the beginning with Xu Xiaomin, Shen Ruoxi, to Pan Yuchu Xiangyi.

 She has been a witness along the way.

I also saw with my own eyes that he was all kinds of special and tolerant towards Pan Yu, and now he actually lives in the manor as half owner.

 Changed from the embarrassed appearance of a prisoner.

 As if he had made a comeback, he felt elated.

"Baby, please call me husband." Shangguan Ling couldn't wait to hear her soft and soft voice calling him husband.

 “Want to hear me call?”

 “Hmm.” Shangguan Ling looked expectant.

Su Fu sneered, "Go to bed early, there will be everything in your dreams."

 The implication is, just go ahead and dream!

 After saying that, Su Fu immediately hung up the phone.

 Be quick, accurate and ruthless, not giving Shangguan Ling even a moment to react.


The busy signal came, and Shangguan Ling was stunned for a while before he realized what she meant.

Hand took off the phone and looked at it in disbelief for a while. This woman's mind was really complicated!

It is windy and rainy now, which makes people unpredictable.

 Shangguan Ling put down his cell phone, not feeling sleepy for a while.

 He put his hands behind his head, looked at the ceiling, and began to think about Pan Yu's problem.

Since she is Chu Xiangyi’s biological sister, he will naturally not take her life.

 But he would not agree to her staying here for a long time.

After thinking about it, Shangguan Ling opened the silk quilt, got out of bed, and went to the studio to find Mrs. Shangguan.

The studio is very quiet. Mrs. Shangguan likes to paint in a quiet atmosphere. No one is allowed to disturb her. Even the servants who serve her have to stand in the corridor. No one is allowed to disturb her without permission.

Before Shangguan Ling even got close to the studio, he was stopped by a servant in the corridor, "Master, Madam is painting, you can't disturb her."

The servant's low voice was almost just breathy.

Shangguan Ling could not control that much. He waved away the servant with a cold face and said, "Get out of the way!"

The servant stood aside in fear, not daring to say a word.


As Shangguan Ling opened the door roughly, a mother's voice sounded.

 Mrs. Shangguan frowned, Your Excellency painted a pen, and looked dissatisfied at the uninvited guest who broke in.

 “Aling, what are you doing?”

Shangguan Ling hooked up a chair with his long legs and sat down with a stern face, as if he wanted to have a long conversation with the official's wife, "Mother, I have something to say."

Mrs. Shangguan knew his temper, so she simply put down the palette and said, "Okay, you say."

"I can leave Pan Yu alone, but she must leave." Shangguan Ling's cold eyes were filled with determination.

Mrs. Shangguan frowned, "Xiangyi lives here, do you want Pan Yu to live outside by himself?"

“Then let Chu Xiangyi live outside.” Shangguan Ling said impatiently.

 (End of this chapter)

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