Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1308: It doesn’t matter what you say, only what the doctor says

Chapter 1308 It doesn’t matter what you say, only what the doctor says

 Getting on the extended Lincoln, Su Fu lay down with her head resting on Shangguan Ling's legs.

She closed her eyes and her breath was hot.

Shangguan Ling lowered his head and put a hand on her forehead, "Do you have a fever?"

Soph closed her eyes and said nothing, looking extremely tired...

 Her weak appearance made Shangguan Ling feel very distressed.


 Sleep contentedly, and Sufu came back to life with full blood the next morning.

“Shangguan Ling, I’m hungry...I didn’t eat anything last night.”

 With one sentence, he can be easily defeated.

Shangguan Ling buried his head in the crook of her neck and took a deep breath of her fragrance, "You little bastard, you will torture me."

 “Then will you let me have breakfast?”

 “Give, how dare you not give in?”

Although he didn't eat her up, Shangguan Ling still tried his best to get some interest back while washing up in the bathroom.

 After a lot of fussing, it was already twenty minutes later.

 In the restaurant, Shangguan Ting and Mrs. Shangguan were both there. When Su Fu saw the two of them, she almost forgot that Shangguan Ling's parents were still in the manor!

"Father, mother, good morning." Shangguan Ling hugged Su Fu's waist and greeted her lazily.

Su Fu felt someone pinch her waist, and then she came back to her senses and said, "Uncle and aunt, good morning."

 “Miss Su is here, please take a seat.”

Shangguanting, who was sitting in the first place, spoke first.

Shangguan Ling took Su Fu to sit down. Su Fu felt a little uncomfortable and spoke very little. She would only answer a question asked by Mrs. Shangguan.

 I left without looking back, and now I’m back...

 Facing, where should she put her face?

Thinking of this, Su Fu couldn't help but glared angrily at Shangguan Ling, the culprit.

 It’s all his fault!

After breakfast, Shangguan Ling took her hand, euphemistically saying it was for digestion, but in reality he took her to the infirmary.

“Shangguan Ling, why did you bring me to the infirmary?”

“Let me look at Jun Bai, weren’t you feeling well last night? Let the doctor do a physical examination on you.”

Shangguan Ling was puzzled. He had been working hard, so it was impossible that there was no movement in her stomach until now.

 Is it because of their physical condition?

 So, he planned to ask the doctor to do a thorough physical examination on them all to see where the problem lies.

Looking at He Junbai as an excuse, tricking her into coming for a check-up was the ultimate goal.

"I was just too tired last night. I'm fine. Don't you think I'm fine now?" Su Fu opened her arms and made a circle in front of his eyes, indicating that she was totally fine and fine.

Shangguan Ling took a step forward and took her into his arms. The man's clear breath immediately entered her nose.

Soph couldn't help but take a deep breath, it still smelled so good.

 “Fufu, I want you to be healthy, you know?”

 “I’m quite healthy now.” Su Fu muttered, still not wanting to do a check-up.

Shangguan Lingke couldn't let her go. He wanted to have a child so much that he was going crazy. Now was not the time to let her be willful.

"It doesn't matter what you say, it's what the doctor says." Shangguan Ling lowered his head, lightly pecked her smooth face with his thin lips, and coaxed softly, "Fufu, do a check-up to put my mind at ease, eh ?”

Su Fu raised her eyes and looked into his eyes as deep as the vast sea. She was stunned by the tenderness in his eyes.

She reluctantly said, "Okay, seeing how pitiful you are, I will agree to it."

“Be good.” Shangguan Ling held her face and placed a kiss on her plump and smooth forehead.

The nurse looked on and blushed with embarrassment. To be held in the hands of the young master and loved, Miss Su must have saved the galaxy in her previous life!

Finally, Shangguan Ling let go of Su Fu, and the nurse said, "Miss Su, please come with me."

 After watching Su Fu leave, Shangguan Ling followed another nurse for a check-up.

 In the afternoon, after Su Fu took a lunch break, she went to Zhao's house to find Zhao Qiuxu.

 The doctor personally delivered the examination report to Shangguan Ling's desk in the study.

Looking at the two examination reports, Shangguan Ling frowned and his eyes fell on the doctor's face, "So what is the result?"

“Master, neither you nor Miss Su have any physical problems, and Miss Su does not have any symptoms of difficulty in conceiving…”

 (End of this chapter)

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