Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1312: What qualifications do you have to call me cruel?

Chapter 1312 What qualifications do you have to call me cruel?

Su Fu let go of Shangguan Ling, pushed him away, raised her hand and patted her head.

Shangguan Ling smiled, quickly grabbed her hand and stopped her movement, "What are you doing?"

 Are you crazy?

"What I'm doing has nothing to do with you, so you don't need to be kind."

Su Fu threw his hand away angrily and lay down to sulk.

Seeing her angry look, she seemed to be really angry with him. Shangguan Lingyu couldn't bear it anymore. He stretched out his hand and pinched her cheek, "If I untie your anklet, you will immediately leave?"


“Don’t think I don’t know what you’re up to, you cruel little bastard.”


“I don’t untie it for you because I want you to stay with me for a few more days. I didn’t sleep well even a day when you were away.”


 “Fufu, don’t be angry, eh?”

 Don't be angry?

Su Fu stared at him coldly, with a hint of sarcasm in her eyes, "Shangguan Ling, when will you really consider my opinion? Tattoos are like this, anklets are like this, what do you think I am?"


Shangguan Ling was about to explain, but Su Fu immediately interrupted him coldly, "You treat me as your property, you never treat me as a person! In your eyes, Shangguan Ling, I, Su Fu, is yours Possess, you can do with me whatever you want. I can't resist, and if I resist, I will get more serious threats or even blows from you!"

“Fufu, calm down!” Shangguan Ling held her shoulders and motioned her not to get excited.

Soph broke away his hand, sat up quickly, and jumped directly from the end of the bed to the ground. Her legs weakened and she almost fell.

His body swayed twice before he could stand still.

"Su Fu, where are you going?" Shangguan Ling immediately stood up and stopped in front of her. Looking at her frivolous steps, he stretched out his arms to take her into his arms.

“Let me go, Shangguan Ling, let me go!”

Su Fu was struggling in his arms. Shangguan Ling held her waist with one hand and patted her back with the other: "Okay, my bad, don't be angry, calm down."

"Calm down? How do you want me to calm down? You told me to untie my anklet when I came back. Now that I'm back, you go back on your word again. Shangguan Ling, businessmen value credibility, and your credibility has been fed to the dog's belly. What?"

Shangguan Ling pursed her thin lips tightly and remained silent to let her vent.

Su Fu clenched her hands into fists and beat him on the chest, "You have always only threatened me. You knew that I wanted to take back my identity, but you still wanted to sell the unmanned combat aircraft to Andre. Shangguan Ling , you keep saying that you like me and love me, but the women around you have never stopped. You are reluctant to touch Pan Yu, and Chu Xiangyi comes again, what qualifications do you have to say that I am cruel? "

Su Fu growled lowly, her beautiful eyes glowing with twinkling light as she glared at him with a look that wanted to stab a hole in him.

Shangguan Ling lowered his head, with an uncontrollable smile on his lips. Su Fu's eyes widened, "Are you still laughing? Now that I'm talking to you seriously, you're still laughing? Have you ever taken me seriously? inside?"

Soph was about to explode with anger. She raised her hands and hit him, punching and kicking him.

Just when she raised her knees and was about to hit her hard, Shangguan Ling came to her senses and quickly stepped aside with her tall body.

He was still trembling, and said with a little fear, "Fufu, it can bring you happiness, why do you do this to it?"

 (End of this chapter)

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