Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1316: Just blow it and it won't hurt anymore. Be good.

Chapter 1316: It won’t hurt if you blow it, be good

I knew she was a bad drinker, but I didn’t expect that she would be so cute after drinking...

 She is so cute that he wants to bully her severely.

Even though he coaxed and tricked her into drinking two more drinks, he didn't dare to make her completely drunk.

 After all, he has something big to do tonight, and it would be bad if Soph gets drunk.

"Fufu, Fufu, are you okay?" Shangguan Ling gently patted Sufu's face, and Sufu kept burrowing into his arms like a kitten.

 She rubbed her face against his shirt, and her red lips pursed cutely, "I feel dizzy..."

Shangguan Ling couldn't help but laugh. She was still feeling dizzy when she was drunk. After drinking so much, if she wasn't dizzy, she would be sorry for the wine.

 “Fufu, let’s play a game, shall we?”

Su Fu was already drunk, and a touching flush appeared on her pale face, "What...what game?"

 “Is it a good role-playing game?”

Sofu shook her head and muttered, "No, not good... I need to sleep, Fufu needs to sleep."

 “Fufu, you can’t go to bed now, you can’t go to bed until you finish playing the game, do you understand?”

“No, Fufu wants to go to bed, and she needs to go to bed now.” Su Fu lost her temper, struggled in Shangguan Ling’s arms, and bumped her head against his chest again and again.

  It didn’t hurt him, but it hurt my own head.

She let out a long 'hiss' in pain, quickly covered her forehead with one hand, and cried out aggrievedly, "Mommy, Mommy, Cecilia hurts so much."

Shangguan Ling lowered his head nervously, lifted her chin with one hand, and wiped her forehead carefully. There was a red patch on her forehead. She looked aggrieved, and her beautiful eyes were watery, but no tears fell.

Shangguan Ling sighed lowly. If he wanted to see his Fufu shed tears, he would probably have to wait until the next life.

“It won’t hurt if you blow it, be good.” Shangguan Ling lowered his head and blew on her forehead for a while.

Soph snorted and protested softly, "It still hurts."

 “Then blow again.”

After blowing it, Su Fu happily got into Shangguan Ling's arms, hugged his waist tightly with two slender arms, and murmured, "Mommy, Cecilia is going to bed... going to bed." "

“…” Shangguan Ling had a dark look on his face.


 Call him mommy?

What a little bastard, you don't give him any trouble even when he's drunk!

Shangguan Ling felt a little frightened. He raised his head and looked at the few stars in the night sky. He thought to himself: Mother-in-law, I am playing a game with Fufu. Don't be angry.

 “Mommy, Mommy, don’t you love Cecilia anymore? Cecilia wants to sleep…”

The little drunkard in his arms started to make noise again. Shangguan Ling hugged her and immediately coaxed the little ancestor, "Be good, Fufu. After playing the game, we will go to bed right away, okay?"

"Not good, not good…"

“Fufu, if you don’t obey me, you won’t be able to sleep tonight. Do you want to obey me?”


 “Fufu, do you want to play a game?”


 “Be good and be quick.”

 Finally, the little ancestor in his arms finally raised his head, and his beautiful watery eyes were even more confused and confused at this moment.

 The feeling of not knowing who you are or where you are.

Shangguan Ling touched her face, lowered his head to her ear, told her the rules of the game, and pinched her fleshy earlobes from time to time.

Soph was drunk and kept tapping her head to show that she understood.

 (End of this chapter)

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