Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1320: Fufu is my wife!

Chapter 1320 Fufu is my wife!

It looked like an abandoned little kitten, pitiful.

Shangguan Ling couldn't bear it and didn't want to let her go.

"Sleep..." Su Fu shouted softly with her red lips slightly pouting.

 Shangguan Ling received a critical hit of 10,000 points. He was instantly defeated. He picked up Su Fu and pushed her into his arms.

Strong arms hugged her tightly, coaxing her affectionately and restrainedly, "Okay, I will sleep with you, and my husband will sleep with you."

Su Fu lay on his chest contentedly, hummed twice, and closed her eyes.

She looks cute and smart, like a little kitten taking a nap in the afternoon. Every movement makes her spit out milk.

Hold Su Fu and slowly lie down, Shangguan Ling patted her back with one hand to coax her to sleep.

 Half an hour later, Shangguan Ling opened the bedroom, and Jiang Chuan, who was waiting outside the door, was obviously relieved.

He saw Shangguan Ling carefully close the door, and then he lowered his voice and said, "Master, the husband and wife have been waiting downstairs for a long time."


Downstairs, Mrs. Shangguan has gradually recovered from the initial shock.

Mrs. Shangguan knew Shangguan Ling well, so she was not surprised at all that he would kill him first and report later.

Hearing the footsteps, Shangguan Ting raised his eyes and stared at him with those deep eyes, "Come and sit down."

Shangguan Ling Yiyan sat down on the sofa opposite, "Father, mother, Fufu and I are married."

As soon as he sat down, Shangguan Ling immediately opened his mouth to explain.

"Ms. Su, have you agreed?" Mrs. Shangguan frowned and stared at him worriedly.

 He is used to having his own way of doing things, and he only considers his own mood, and the mood of others is not within his scope of consideration.

According to the current relationship between him and Su Fu, it may not be an easy thing to get Su Fu to agree to marry him.

Staff from the Civil Affairs Bureau came over overnight, but they still haven't seen Su Fu show up, so Mrs. Shangguan has to worry.

Shangguan Ling leaned over and poured himself a glass of water, took a few sips, and smiled with his cold eyes, "It doesn't matter if Fufu doesn't agree now, she will agree in the future."

"Aling, are you going to hide it from her?" Shangguan Ting hit the nail on the head.

Shangguan Ling played with the water glass and nodded, "That's right, don't tell Fufu about the marriage now. I will tell her when there is an appropriate time later. Father, mother, don't you want to have a grandson?"


“Do you want your grandson to bear the title of being born out of wedlock?”

Mrs. Shangguan had a headache. She raised her hand and interrupted what Shangguan Ling was about to say, "Okay, stop talking."

Shangguan Ling looked at Shangguan Ting and suggested kindly, "It's getting late. Mr. Shangguan should take Mrs. Guan upstairs to rest early. After all, Fufu is already your daughter-in-law, and this cannot be changed."

“Shut up!” Shangguan Ting casually grabbed Harry who was sleeping nearby and threw him towards him.

Harry screamed, and his fat body was firmly caught by Shangguan Ling.

Shangguan Ling smiled low and touched Harry's head with one hand to comfort the frightened dog, "Father, this matter is a foregone conclusion and no one can change it. In short, whether you accept it or not, Fufu is me. Wife!"

The last sentence is full of pride and... squeaky!

"Aling, if you bully Miss Su like this, you will suffer a lot in the future." After Mrs. Shangguan finished speaking, she got up and followed Shangguan Ting upstairs.

 (End of this chapter)

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