Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1326: Hope they are still alive...

 Chapter 1326 I hope they are still alive...

 She is going to meet the Prime Minister tonight, but she still doesn’t plan to invite him to go with her?

 She told Lucifer to accompany her on the phone, so what happened?

Soph touched Gabby's head, raised her head and looked at him, thought for a while, and asked: "Is there any news about Herman and Jennifer?"

 Isabel and Andre refused to tell the whereabouts of Herman and Jennifer. If it weren't for the fact that they were still useful, Suf would have known about them long ago.

Shangguan Ling shook his head slowly, and Su Fu couldn't hide her disappointment, "I hope they are still alive..."


At seven o'clock in the evening, Su Fu dressed up carefully. The housekeeper stepped forward and said: "Miss Cecilia, Master Lucifer is already here."


Soph held up the hem of her dress and walked out elegantly.

Shangguan Ling looked at her back with a faint smile, "Fufu, is there anything you want to say to me?"

 What words?

Su Fu turned back expressionlessly and shook her head, "No."

Shangguan Ling pursed her thin lips and sneered, "Heh."

 With sarcasm and a touch of contempt.

Suf had no time to pay attention to him. She left quickly. Lucifer had already gotten out of the car and saw her walking towards him with her skirt in hand. He immediately stepped forward to greet her.

 “My dear, you look stunning tonight.”

Su Fu snorted arrogantly, "Am I not beautiful usually?"

"It's usually beautiful, but it's even more beautiful tonight." Lucifer supported her, "Let's get in the car first."

Getting in the car, Su Fu looked at the rapidly reversing scenery outside the car window and asked slightly worriedly, "Lucifer, you said the Prime Minister is looking for me, why do you want me?"

“It’s very possible that Andre has other deals with the Prime Minister, one for arms, and another…it’s hard to say.” Lucifer’s eyes deepened.

 The assets of the Onassis family are as rich as the country.

If Andre wants to illegally appropriate these assets, he will inevitably find a backer to consolidate his position and recognize his identity.

Only in this way can he legitimately enjoy the assets of the Onassis family and become the legal heir.

 His deal with the Prime Minister will inevitably be shady.

 There may be transactions involving financial interests.

“Besides money, I can’t think of any other transaction.” Su Fu sneered coldly, Andre’s schemes were all shady.

Since the Prime Minister is on his side, there is a high possibility of mutual benefit.

 Andre has not appeared in public for some time, and I believe the Prime Minister has also received the news.

It is not difficult to imagine what the dinner party tonight will be like.

 Prime Minister’s official residence.

As soon as the black Mercedes stopped, Leo pushed the door and got out of the car, and opened the door together with the guard.

As soon as Lucifer and Sufu got out of the car, the Prime Minister’s secretary came out to greet them.

“Your Highness Lucifer, Miss Cecilia, you are finally here. Come in quickly, the Prime Minister has been waiting for a long time.”

The secretary enthusiastically made a gesture of invitation, and the smile on his face was the most perfect and standardized diplomatic smile.

 Can't find a single mistake, it's perfect.

Soph and Lucifer looked at each other. Lucifer smiled and nodded slightly, "Then I'll help you lead the way."

 “Your Highness Lucifer is welcome, please come with me.”

 In the hall, His Excellency the Prime Minister is holding a cup of tea, sniffing it carefully.

“Your Excellency Prime Minister, His Highness Lucifer and Miss Cecilia are here.”

Hearing this, the Prime Minister raised his eyes and said with a smile, "I have been waiting for you two."

Lucifer smiled and said: "I'm sorry to keep the Prime Minister waiting for so long."

 (End of this chapter)

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