Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1338: Miss Cecilia, please sign for your flowers.

Chapter 1338 Miss Cecilia, please sign for your flowers.

 It seemed that she had to do something to get Shangguan Ling to come back immediately.

 The time left for her is running out.

 She had to get this done as soon as possible.


 Knowing that Tang En is in country S, things will be much easier to handle.

Shangguan Ling sent people to entangle Tang En so that he could not return to China as scheduled and Su Fu could not see him.

In a blink of an eye, it was the day for Tang En to return to China. Su Fu had made preparations early and planned to pick her up at the airport.

 Called Walton Manor and asked the housekeeper when Tang En's flight would arrive.

After careful questioning, I found out that Tang En had postponed his return to China.

"What did you say?!"

Soph's voice suddenly increased, and she couldn't believe what she heard.


 The return date has not yet been determined?

 Tang En is on a business trip, can he still be out there until he grows old?

 What the **** is an undecided return date? !

The housekeeper knew Miss Cecilia's temper. When he heard her angry voice, he suddenly became nervous and sweated, "Miss Cecilia, the young master has something to do and has postponed the date of his return to China. There is nothing we can do about it." I hope you can understand."


  Sorry for your understanding!

Su Fu was so angry that she hung up the phone with a bang.

At this moment, the phone rang, it was Lucifer’s call.

Su Fu answered the phone with a happy face, "Okay, I'll be right over!"

She got up and walked out. She took the time to turn to the housekeeper and said, "Prepare the car and go to the company!"

 “Yes, Miss Cecilia.”

 Come to the Onassis Group and the first conference room, where Lucifer and the lawyers are already waiting.

“Cecilia, you’re here.” Lucifer waved and motioned for her to sit next to him.

 The lawyers stood up and said hello respectfully: "Miss Cecilia, good morning."

"No need to be formal, please sit down." Su Fu sat down next to Lucifer, and Lucifer handed her the document in his hand.

"This is...?" Sufu took the document suspiciously and looked at Lucifer in confusion.

Lucifer smiled and said, "This is the appraisal report. You should read it first."

This appraisal report is a report issued by the most authoritative organization, which authenticates the authenticity of the equity transfer document.

 Finally, it was concluded that the equity transfer document was indeed a blank document. The document was signed first and then the contents of the document were printed out.

When Su Fu saw the conclusion, she raised her lips with satisfaction, "Great!"

  She looked at the lawyers and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

"Miss Cecilia said something serious. It is our duty to help you solve your problems."

Sofu tapped her hand on the table, her eyes flickering, and she looked at Leo, "Leo, please go and inform me that in twenty minutes, all the senior management will gather in the conference room. I want to have a meeting."

Lucifer looked at her, his eyes full of trust and doting. He never concealed his kindness to her, "Have you thought about it?"

“I’ve thought about it.” Su Fu nodded solemnly, “This was originally mine, I just took back everything that belongs to me.”

 “I support you.” Lucifer raised his hand and rubbed her head, “Cecilia is the best, I am proud of you.”

Soph accepted the compliment without any politeness, and said in a very sultry manner, "Of course!"

 Half an hour later, everyone at the top of the group headquarters came to the first conference room.

 Seeing that it was Sovereign and not Andre who sat at the head of the conference table, the senior management already understood.

 The lengthy meeting lasted for more than three hours.

 After the meeting, Su Fu's tense nerves were completely relaxed, as if she had won a battle.

A secretary in the secretary's office held a large bouquet of red roses and knocked on the door of the conference room. "Miss Cecilia, here are your flowers. Please sign for them."

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 (End of this chapter)

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