Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1359: Is Brother Ling very busy?

Chapter 1359 Is Brother Ling busy?

 He turned his head, the smile on his lips was amazingly beautiful: "Cecilia, I wonder if I have the honor to invite you to dinner?"

Soph was extremely surprised. She heard what she said correctly just now. Was Tang En inviting her?

 This... is incredible!

Su Fu calmed down and said, "Tang En, why?"

 Why are you so weird towards her all of a sudden?

 He was not like this before.

Is it just because of the care and insignificant help she gave after the explosion of Walton Manor?

 “Because you are my fiancée.”

 “But I...” am already married.

Tang En looked at her with a smile, waiting for her answer. Su Fu was silent for a long time. Tang En was thoughtful, and then said gently: "I'll take it as your promise."

After finishing speaking, he turned and left.

 Soph turned her head and looked at the servant, with a confused look on her face: "Am I particularly beautiful today?"

After hearing this, the servant covered her mouth and snickered, "Miss Cecilia, you are beautiful every day. Don't forget, you are the most beautiful woman in country F. No one can compare with you."

Soph likes to hear this.

 Who doesn’t like to hear words of praise?

She, Su Fu, is not exempt from vulgarity.

Su Fu molded her face, stood up and walked briskly upstairs.


  Country A.

 After receiving a call from the maid, Shangguan Ling kicked over the coffee table in front of him.

His face was frighteningly gloomy, and in those dark eyes, there was brewing a storm that could destroy the world.

"Jiang Chuan, send someone to keep a close eye on her. No matter what, she cannot be allowed to meet Tang En."

 There is no news about He Junbai at the moment. Just because he has no other skills, it doesn't mean that he can't stop her!

Jiang Chuan felt the young master's anger, and he nodded repeatedly, "Yes, young master, I understand what to do."

Downstairs, Chu Xiangyi returned to the manor to accompany Mrs. Shangguan today.

Chu Xiangyi cut the fruit plate and took it out. He looked around and didn't see Shangguan Ling come down.

“Godmother, is Brother Ling very busy?”

Mrs. Shangguan pulled her to sit next to her, "I don't know what he has been busy with recently. His temper is getting more and more grumpy day by day."

"Then I won't bother Brother Ling." Chu Xiangyi was a little disappointed. Part of the reason she came back today was for Shangguan Ling.

  She had something to say to him, and since he was busy, forget it.

In the evening, when it was almost time for dinner, Chu Xiangyi suddenly stood up and said goodbye, "Godmother, I have to go back. My sister is still waiting in the villa for me to go back and have dinner with her."

"Xiangyi, if you have a sister, you don't need to be your godmother, right?" Mrs. Shangguan grabbed her hand, a little aggrieved, "You spend a few days a week with your sister, can't you just spend this weekend with your godmother? "

"Godmother, I'm sorry..." Chu Xiangyi bit her lip, "Sister, her legs have always been her inferiority complex. If I don't go back to accompany her, she will be lonely..."

Mrs. Shangguan sighed almost inaudibly, "Forget it, godmother won't force you, I'll let someone..."

There were footsteps on the stairs. Chu Xiangyi looked up and saw Shangguan Ling with a stern face.

 She timidly called out: "Brother Ling."

Shangguan Ling's eyes stayed on her face for a few seconds, and then he turned away after nodding.

 “Aling, you want to go out?”


Mrs. Shangguan pushed Chu Xiangyi forward, "It just so happens that Xiangyi is going back, so you can give Xiangyi a gift."

Shangguan Ling frowned slightly, "She has a driver."

 “Aling.” Mrs. Shangguan’s voice increased in displeasure.

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 (End of this chapter)

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