Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1364: Without your order, Jiangchuan dares to do this?

Chapter 1364 Without your order, Jiangchuan dares to do this?

Shangguan Ling raised his lips and smiled, his frown relaxed a little, "Are you still sleeping?"

Su Fu yawned gracefully. Isn’t this a nonsense question?

Hearing her yawning, Shangguan Ling smiled, and Su Fu snorted, "Do you know you're wrong?"

 “Well, I was wrong.”

 “Apologise to Tang En.” If you know you made a mistake, you must correct it.

Shangguan Ling fell silent and apologized to Tang En?

 He can't do it.

“I’ll let Jiang Chuan apologize, okay?”

“Without your order, Jiangchuan dared to do this?” Therefore, the source still lies with him.

He has done something wrong and doesn’t dare to apologize. What kind of man is he?

“Fufu, let’s not talk about this for now, okay?” Shangguan Ling’s magnetic voice was deliberately soft.

Su Fu snorted coldly, "If we don't talk about this, there will be nothing to talk about between us."

After saying that, Su Fu said goodbye and hung up the phone.

Holding the phone in hand, Shangguan Ling sighed in despair. There was really nothing he could do to her.

Now he can't get away for the time being. With Gu Jinglan's current appearance and He Junbai's whereabouts unknown, he may not be able to go to country F.


 Hang up the phone, Su Fu lost all sleep.

 Looked at the time, it was already past ten in the morning.

 She rubbed her head and sat up. Gabby lay lazily on the carpet, sleeping soundly.

Soph walked around Gabi, jumped out of bed, and went into the bathroom to wash up.

 While brushing her teeth, she was a little confused and started to think about the last time she had her period.

Coming out of the bathroom, she took a look at the date and saw that it was indeed her period. Why hasn't it come yet?

The servant knocked on the door and said that the Duchess was here. Sophée immediately went downstairs and put the matter behind her for the time being.

The Duchess pinched her cheek and said, "Cecilia, why have you lost weight?"

Su Fu hummed helplessly, "Why do I feel fat..."

The Duchess looked left and right, then nodded, "I've lost weight."

After saying that, the Duchess smiled and pulled her towards the dining room, "Cecilia, I have stewed soup for you. You should drink more of it to nourish your body."

 In the restaurant, Su Fu held the bowl in both hands and sipped the soup in small sips.

 “How is it?” the Duchess looked expectantly.

Sufu praised it: "It tastes delicious, and your craftsmanship has improved again!"

 “As long as Cecilia likes it.” The Duchess smiled slightly and sighed melancholy.

Soph put down the bowl and frowned slightly, "What's wrong?"

"Cecilia, are you and Tang En's marriage... going to continue?" The Duchess said worriedly: "This is a marriage that your parents were also optimistic about at the beginning. You must think twice before making a decision."

Su Fu held her chin in her hands, her face full of confusion, "I also know that this is a marriage that Mom and Dad are optimistic about, but... I'm sorry for Tang En."

She is pretty and savage, but she still has some morality.

Especially...this person is Tang En, not someone else.

  She felt more and more that she was not worthy of him... she could not waste such a good man.

"Master Lucifer, you are here." The servant's voice sounded.

 The next second, Lucifer stepped into the restaurant, his eyes fell on the faces of the Duchess and Sovereign, he smiled and said: "Mommy, why are you earlier than me?"

 The Duchess laughed, "That's because Mummy wants to bring soup to Cecilia."

Lucifer sat down and poured a bowl of soup for himself, "What were you talking about just now?"

The Duchess saw the nervous look on his face and knew what he was worried about.

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 (End of this chapter)

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