Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1384: Do you want to avenge her?

Chapter 1384 Do you want to avenge her?

"Isn't it just to meet her? Qi Lianyi can still eat me?" Su Fu lowered the window and looked at the guard with cold eyes, "Lead the way."

 “Okay, Miss Su.” The guard nodded, and then got into the motorcade of the Presidential Palace, which cleared the way in front.

Su Fu asked the man in black to follow, but the man in black was still worried: "Young madam, Miss Qi Lianyi's purpose is not pure. If you go to the appointment easily, I'm afraid it will be in danger."

"If she really wanted to deal with me, would she be so blatant and leave a handle for you to catch?" Su Fu put her forehead with one hand, "Follow me."

 “Yes, young lady.”

K group headquarters, in the president’s office.

Jiang Chuan just hung up the phone and immediately came to Shangguan Ling's side, "Master, it's not good, Qi Lianyi has invited the young lady away."

"What?" The man who was really lowering his head to review the documents suddenly raised his head, and a cold light burst out from his cold eyes.

“Qi Lianyi intercepted the young lady’s motorcade on the way and asked the young lady to get together, and the young lady agreed.”


Shangguan Ling slapped the pen in his hand on the table, stood up, and walked out quickly, "Where are they now?"

Jiang Chuan immediately followed, "In a coffee shop."


The coffee shop has been cleared, and soft and melodious music lingers in the coffee shop.

Qi Lianyi, whose skin was tanned to a honey color, looked increasingly healthy and energetic. She was the first to take a seat and made a gesture of invitation, "Miss Su, please sit down."

Sitting opposite her, Su Fu leaned back on the chair leisurely, "Miss Qilian, why are you going to such trouble to find me?"

"It's not a big deal, just a small suggestion." Qi Lianyi ordered a cup of coffee and pushed the menu in front of Su Fu, "What would Miss Su want to drink?"

"pure water."

Qi Lianyi raised the corners of his lips with an unknown meaning, closed the menu with a 'snap' sound, and raised his eyebrows: "Miss Su, are you worried about me drugging you?"

“Is Miss Qilian like this?” Su Fu asked back without answering, both of them wearing friendly masks.

 The stormy waves under his eyes are only known to him.

Qi Lianyi laughed softly and shrugged slightly, "Miss Su is really interesting."

 The waiter brought coffee and purified water and quickly left.

 Taking a sip of coffee, Qi Lianyi's eyes fell on Su Fu's face. This time, she was even more dazzlingly beautiful than the last time he saw her.

The skin is so delicate that it seems to be surrounded by a faint pearl-like light, and the complexion is so good that it is enviable.

 She lazily supported her head with one hand, and her whole body looked lazy, like a cat that had eaten enough cat food and took a nap in the sun on the swing in the afternoon.

“I wonder if Miss Su still remembers what I told you before, that I have a school girl who looks very much like you?”

Soph thought for a moment, then suddenly realized, the corners of her lips raised slightly, "Isabel is your junior sister?"


Su Fu sneered, "You want to avenge her?"

Qi Lianyi smiled and said nothing.

Su Fu sat up straight, flexed her fingers, and tapped twice on the table, "Now Isabel is just a homeless dog, imprisoned. If Miss Qilian wants to help, I'm afraid it will be a little difficult."

"Miss Su misunderstood, I just want to tell you that my school girl tried her best to contact me the day before yesterday, hoping to get my help." Qi Lianyi took a sip of coffee, with an interesting expression on his face.

"Will you help Isabel?" Su Fu looked at her with interest.

 (End of this chapter)

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