Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1387: Have you seen enough?

 Have you seen enough of Chapter 1387?

Su Fu’s long hair hanging down from her shoulders was brushed behind her shoulders. “When did he go out?”

The servant looked embarrassed and tried to fool him, "I...I don't know either."

"Is it because I don't know, or I don't dare to say it?" Su Fu sneered. Judging from her expression, she just didn't dare to say anything.

So, she can make a bold guess that Shangguan Ling went out after she fell asleep.

As for why he did this, probably only he himself knows.

The servant trembled all over and lowered his head: "Young lady, please calm down..."

Soph took a deep breath. There was no point in embarrassing a servant, so she turned and went downstairs.

Downstairs, the lights were still bright. When the night servant saw her coming down, he came forward and said, "Madam, what do you need?"

 “Get me something to eat.” She was hungry.

Soph herself was very puzzled. She didn’t skip dinner, but she was hungry at this point. It was strange...

  The servant looked delighted and said, "Madam, can I have soup noodles or something like that?"


After Su Fu finished speaking, she turned around and sat down on the sofa. She wanted to see when Shangguan Ling would come back.

Harry heard the noise from somewhere. At this moment, he quietly rushed to Sovereign's side, and climbed into her arms with difficulty with his increasingly fat body.

 After finishing the work, he raised his furry head and meowed at her.

Soph grabbed one of its beards and pulled it twice, and Harry immediately let out a scream like a slaughtered pig.

 “Be quiet, you know?”

Poor little Harry looked at her innocently, not daring to make any mistakes.

 At two o'clock in the morning, there was a subtle sound of spoons hitting porcelain bowls in the restaurant.

Shangguan Ling, who came in from the outside with a chill in his body, paused and looked sideways in the direction of the restaurant, "Who is in the restaurant?"

The servant trotted forward and said, "Master, it is the young lady who is having supper."

 She is awake?

Shangguan Ling subconsciously walked to the restaurant. Su Fu was wearing a nightgown, drinking soup with a spoon in one hand, and rolling the noodles in the bowl with chopsticks in the other, eating slowly.

Her long hair, like seaweed, hung softly behind her back. Under the bright light, her side face was as beautiful as a fairy in an oil painting.

Harry curled up in her arms, occasionally raising his paw to touch her arm, wanting to eat too.

 Shangguan Ling couldn't bear to disturb this peaceful and harmonious picture.


 The spoon was thrown into the bowl and hit the porcelain bowl, making a crisp sound.

Soph put down her chopsticks, picked up a napkin, and wiped the corners of her lips elegantly, "Have you seen enough?"

Shangguan Ling smiled and came to sit next to her, without mentioning why he left in the middle of the night. "Have you eaten yet? I happen to be hungry too..."

 Speaking, he pulled the bowl in front of her in front of him, picked up the chopsticks she used, lowered his head and started eating.

Su Fu glared at him angrily, "I haven't eaten yet!"

Shangguan Ling raised his head and smiled evilly, "Really? I thought you had already eaten, otherwise I would give it back to you?"

She rolled her eyes at him angrily. Su Fu crossed her arms across her chest and raised her delicate chin proudly, "Tell me, where did you go with me on your back?"

If she hadn't been woken up by hunger in the middle of the night, she might not have known that he sneaked out in the middle of the night while she was sleeping.

"The company has something to do temporarily, so I went to a meeting."

“Have a meeting in the middle of the night?” Su Fu laughed at him mockingly: “Then how much overtime pay do your company’s executives get?”

Shangguan Ling took a sip of soup and asked with interest, "Are you interested in our company's salary?"

 (End of this chapter)

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