Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1392: Master, there is news!

Chapter 1392 Master, there is news!

 “Yes, Your Highness.”

The convoy arrived at Onassis Castle, and Lucifer was reluctant to wake up Su Fu after all.

He carefully carried her out of the car. Facing the confused eyes of the housekeeper and servant, he motioned for them to be silent, and then carried Su Fu back to the bedroom.

Lying on the soft bed, Su Fu automatically found a comfortable position and fell into a deep sleep.

 Lucifer looked at her for a while before leaving the bedroom.

Leo has received the latest news and is reporting to him, "Your Highness, nothing happened to Miss Cecilia in country A. On the day she arrived in country A, she went to the hospital to visit Madam Shangguan. After seeing Madam Shangguan, she went I saw Miss Zhao, and then met Qi Lianyi in the coffee shop. Interestingly, that night, Shangguan Ling left the manor and went to the Presidential Palace to meet Qi Lianyi. As a result, Miss Cecilia was estranged from Guan Ling. , so I returned to China.”

Lucifer waved, and Gabi immediately jumped on the sofa and put her big head on his lap.

Lucifer touched Gabi’s head with one hand and asked thoughtfully, “What is the relationship between Shangguan Ling and Qi Lianyi?”

 Leo suggested, "Your Highness, would you like to check it out?"

 “Check.” Lucifer’s words were concise and to the point.

 He wanted to see what the relationship between these two people was.


 From the day she returned to China, Su Fu began to lead a decadent life.

 Her spirit was listless, and she only slept and ate every day. Even Lucifer lamented that she had fallen.

In the past, he went to find Tang En full of energy, but now he is no longer interested in Tang En. Compared with a piece of cream cake, Tang En is more attractive with a cream cake.

 In addition to being able to sleep, my appetite is obviously much better.

 Lucifer wished that she would eat up and turn into a plump little fat person. Seeing that she could eat, he was more happy than anyone else.

 When I woke up, it was already afternoon.

Su Fu lay lazily on the bed, rubbing her eyes. The phone on the bedside table kept vibrating.

 She took out her cell phone and looked at it. She didn't answer the call from Shangguan Ling!

 Hang up Shangguan Ling's phone decisively and put him on the blacklist.

 He has to taste the consequences of lying to her slowly!

 The Cold War continues to spread.

Shangguan Ling put down the phone and rubbed his forehead with a headache. It seemed that he had to think of other ways to calm her down.

But...even if she is angry, at least she won't want to return to country A.

 He lowered his head and edited the text message to send to her.

Jiang Chuan hurriedly walked in from outside, "Master, there is news!"

Shangguan Ling paused while editing the text message and frowned, "Is there any news about Jun Bai?"

“Yes, Mr. He and Miss Yanxi are being detained in T City. Their current situation is unknown.”

Shangguan Ling stood up quickly and said, "Prepare the car and go to T city immediately."

T City is a coastal city, and the nearby fishermen have recently been driven out of a sea area.

There are people in casual clothes on guard there every day, and no fishermen are allowed to intrude.

The fishermen complained about this and tried their best to report it and seek solutions, but they were all suppressed by the authorities.

 The roar of the helicopter propellers, accompanied by the hurricane, comes from far to near.

The plainclothes officers retreated quickly, the helicopter landed, and the man in black came down from the cabin in a well-trained manner. Then, a handsome man with black sunglasses and a cold face came down from the cabin.

Jiang Chuan followed Shangguan Ling and looked around, "Master, they ran away!"

 “Go to Jun Bai first!” Shangguan Ling was worried about He Junbai’s safety.

Today is Mother’s Day. Have you all sent blessings to your mother?



 (End of this chapter)

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