Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1395: There are always roses every day

Chapter 1395 There are always roses every day

 The transfer to another hospital is being carried out in an orderly and urgent manner.

In order not to make Shangguan’s wife and Shangguan Ting suspicious, Shangguan Ling decided to let them go back first.

 Shangguan Manor.

Shangguan Ling sent He Junbai and Yanxi back to the infirmary and rushed to the hospital.

 Mrs. Shangguan has not yet been discharged from the hospital. This is due to Shangguan Ting's fuss, which also happens to give Shangguan Ling an excellent opportunity.

“Aling, why do you look so bad? Did you not get any rest last night?”

 Mrs. Shangguan was wearing a hospital gown, sitting on the sofa and arranging flowers leisurely, while Shangguan Ting was helping her.

"Probably so." Shangguan Ling rubbed his forehead, sat down next to Shangguan's wife, and put his arm around her shoulders: "Mom, are you feeling better?"

“It’s okay, it’s all your father’s fuss. I should have been discharged from the hospital and went home a long time ago. He insisted that I continue to observe him for two days.” Mrs. Shangguan was merciless when she complained about her husband.

Shangguan Ling pondered for a moment and suggested: "The air in the imperial capital is not good. Mother, why don't you and your father go back first? The group has heavy business affairs during this period, and I'm afraid I don't have time to accompany you."

Mrs. Shangguan doesn’t like the Imperial Capital either. The air quality in the Imperial Capital is really bad. It’s not that she disagrees, but she can’t bear to leave Chu Xiangyi.

“Why, drive us away?” Shangguan Ting frowned, looking unhappy.

“Father, you said this yourself, I didn’t.” Shangguan Ling was eager to clear himself of responsibility.

"Aling, I can't bear to leave Xiangyi..." After all, it was a child she regarded as her own, so how could she let her stay alone with Pan Yu.

Pan Yu grew up in a different environment, and her thoughts are not as simple as Xiangyi's.

She was worried that Pan Yu would lead Chu Xiangyi into trouble sooner or later.

"That's simple. I'll ask Jiang Chuan to say hello to A University and ask Xiangyi to go back with you. She likes to be a teacher, so she will continue to find a university to teach. Mother, what do you think?"

Mrs. Shangguan was still hesitant, so Shangguan Ling said in a low voice: "Mother, Fufu and I have had an argument again. You and your father will not feel comfortable around her."

“So, you think your father and I are getting in the way?” Shangguan’s wife looked hurt, with an expression that said, “As expected, my son is looking towards his wife when he is older.”

"Why do you dislike it? It's just that when my relationship with Fufu is still unstable, give us some space to get along. If my relationship with Fufu improves, won't you and your father be able to have grandchildren?"

When Madam Shangguan thought about it, it made sense.

  She is a young person after all, and needs the space of two people to get along with each other.

She smiled slightly and touched Shangguan Ling's handsome face, "Well, Aling, you have to work hard."

Shangguanting had a look of contempt on his face, but he just snorted and said nothing.

 Obviously, he also wants to have grandchildren.

Since Chu Xiangyi didn’t want to leave for the time being, Shangguan Ling personally sent Shangguan’s wife and Shangguan Ting to the airport that afternoon.

 After sending Shangguan Ting and his wife away, the smile on Shangguan Ling's lips disappeared and his face returned to its usual gloomy look.


  Country F.

It has been half a month since Su Fu came back.

 In the past half month, except for the daily delivery of roses to Onassis Castle and instructions, there has been no contact with Shangguan Ling.

I don’t know if it was because of the weather. After autumn, Su Fu became more and more sleepy. She felt lazy and couldn’t find the energy to do anything.

"Miss Cecilia, Master Lucifer is here." The housekeeper quickly came to the door of Su Fu's bedroom and said with a smile.

 (End of this chapter)

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