Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1398: Whether we are married or not has no bearing on our relationship.

Chapter 1398 Whether we are married or not has no impact on our relationship.

 When did she, Miss Cecilia, need to give others a reason to do something?

The gossip magazine of Country F once had a booming sales due to various gossips about the most beautiful lady, Miss Cecilia, and her fiancé Tang En, supporting countless entertainment magazines.

 Media reporters are even more proud to grab the news about Miss Cecilia. That’s why...the news about Miss Cecilia’s high-profile show of love for her fiancé Tang En frequently appeared in magazines and major news.

  Country A.

As soon as Shangguan Ling came out of Chu Xiangyi's bedroom, he saw Jiang Chuan who was about to speak but hesitated.

  “If you have anything, please tell me.”

Jiang Chuan looked at his expression carefully, "Master, it's news about the young lady."

"Say!" Shangguan Ling had veins popping out on his temples. Looking at Jiang Chuan's troubled face, he guessed what was going on.

 Soph must be messing around again!

“Young master, this is the news from country F for the past two days. The news about the young lady’s love for her fiancé has been published.” Jiang Chuan took out his mobile phone and clicked on a few screenshots of the news.

 Through the screen, Shangguan Ling could see how sweet the pink bubbles in the entire report were, so sweet that he wanted to drown people in a honey pot.

 “Show love?” Shangguan Ling sneered, “She dares!”

She stubbornly wanted to divorce him, but before the marriage was divorced, she, a married woman, dared to show her love in a high-profile manner!

 “If you look at the statistics, it’s all those magazines and media that have acquired it!”

Jiang Chuan looked admiring, "Yes, young master!"

This is a real man!

Upholding the spirit of not being ashamed to ask questions, Jiang Chuan asked again, "Master, after the acquisition, are you going to fire all these people?"

 “Why are you fired?” Shangguan Ling sneered, “I think they are quite good at writing, so they should write more about my love story with Fufu and publicize it.”

 “Yes, I understand, young master!” Jiang Chuan understood clearly, Gao, this master’s move is really good!

 The soldiers will come to cover up the water and earth. Young madam, you can't beat the young master.

If this man gets angry, the consequences will be serious.

Soph frequently attends various parties and banquets. Wherever she appears, there must be media who have received the news in advance.

Miss Cecilia changed from her former coquettish and arrogant attitude, and began to adopt a people-friendly approach. She answered the reporters’ questions in a way that she liked.

“Miss Cecilia, may I ask why your marriage to Master Tang En was postponed again?”

Su Fu smoothed her long hair charmingly, "Marriage is a constraint for us. Tang En and I enjoy an unfettered life. Therefore, whether we are married or not has no impact on our relationship. "

 The reporter smiled and complimented, "The relationship between Miss Cecilia and Master Tang En is so good that it's enviable."

"Kind people will have a happy relationship. Don't envy me. You will also have your own love."

 Another reporter asked, "Miss Cecilia, didn't Master Tang En accompany you to the banquet tonight?"

Su Fu's red lips slightly curled up, "The Walton Group is about to launch a new concept car. Tang En has been busy with business recently. As my fiancée, I have to sympathize with his hard work."

After saying that, Su Fu raised her hand and glanced at the limited edition couple's watch holding hands, and then smiled apologetically at the reporters, "Sorry, Tang En is going back soon, I have to do it for him before he gets home. A little midnight snack.”

 The reporters exclaimed in envy again: "Miss Cecilia actually washes hands and makes soup for Master Tang En?"

Someone is going to be furious~ If you want to see more updates, tell Dean with your monthly ticket~



 (End of this chapter)

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