Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1413: Are you reluctant to let me go?

Chapter 1413: Are you reluctant to leave me?


 There was a sound of porcelain falling in the restaurant.

Shangguan Ling stood up suddenly and ran into the restaurant with long strides, "Fufu, are you okay?"

Soph glanced at him disapprovingly, "My hands are slippery."

  The servant had already put away the spoon she had dropped on the dinner plate and replaced it with a new one.

Shangguan Ling secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He boldly came to Su Fu and sat down tentatively.

Seeing that Su Fu didn't refuse or drive him away, she felt relieved a little, "Fu Fu, you are pregnant now. You have to be careful in everything. You can't be so irritable anymore..."

Soph stretched out the knife in her hand directly towards him, squinting at him provocatively: "Who do you think is frizzy?"


 “Speak louder, I can’t hear you.”

 “I’m frizzy, Fufu, don’t mind.”

 That’s pretty much it!

Su Fu took back the knife and continued to eat. Shangguan Ling sighed quietly and asked the servant to prepare a breakfast for him.

The servant was in trouble, "Miss Cecilia..."

“How dare you, a servant, eat at the same table as your master?” Su Fu glanced at him angrily.

Shangguan Ling: “…”


 The sky is big and the earth is big, and pregnant women are the biggest.

 What she says is what she says...

 You can't eat at the same table, so you can't...

Shangguan Ling eagerly served Su Fu her breakfast, then went into the kitchen and brought a freshly cut fruit platter to her.

Soph lazily stroked Gabby's head and smoothed its hair.

Those who are indifferent to Shangguan Ling are happy even if they are indifferent to Shangguan Ling.

“Fufu, eat a strawberry.” Shangguan Ling brought a strawberry to her lips with a fruit fork and coaxed, “I tried it, it’s very sweet.”

Su Fu took a small bite and her little face immediately wrinkled, "Liar, sour!"

Shangguan Ling chuckled, "Really, let me try it."

 He said seriously, "It's not sour, it's very sweet."

 Soph: “…”

  A paw patted his heart, "Asshole!"

Shangguan Ling took advantage of the situation and grabbed her weak, boneless hand, brought it to his lips and gave it a peck. His cold eyes were filled with doting that had nothing to do with the coldness, "It smells like fufu, very sweet."

  “You try to act like a hooligan again for me?”

Shangguan Ling held Su Fu's face and rubbed her slightly voluptuous face with his fingertips, "Miss Su Fu, I want to correct you. This is a fact, not a hooligan."


"So happy?" Shangguan Ling raised his eyebrows slightly and his smile became more and more sinister: "That makes me happy too."

After saying this, before Su Fu could react, she lowered her head and kissed her.

 Su Fu couldn't struggle away and could only be kissed forcefully by him.

After the long kiss, Su Fu beat his chest and glared: "Is your eye happy to see me?"

"You smiled."

 “Can’t you hear the sarcasm?”

"Sorry, I'm stupid and can't understand." Shangguan Ling had an expression of "I just can't understand what you can do to me."

Sofu was so angry that her teeth itched and she wanted to beat him!

Jiang Chuan came in from outside. Shangguan Ling saw it and touched Su Fu's head: "I'm going out for a while. When you get tired, let the servant help you go back to the bedroom to rest."

Su Fu snorted coldly and turned her head away.

Shangguan Ling chuckled lightly, with a knowing look in his eyes, "Don't you want me to leave?"

 “Get out of here.”

Shangguan Ling stood up and said, "I will be back as soon as possible."

  Left with Jiang Chuan, Jiang Chuan stepped forward quickly and opened the car door, "Master, Lucifer and Tang En have already met."

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 (End of this chapter)

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