Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1421: I don't want you to do any little tricks behind my back

 Chapter 1421 I don’t want you to do any little tricks behind my back

"Fu Qiancheng, I don't care what you are planning, Chu Xiangyi is not someone you can covet." After leaving the words, Pan Yu snorted and hung up the phone.

It’s a joke, take Chu Xiangyi to see him. Chu Xiangyi’s simple temper makes it impossible to tell when the acquaintance between her and Fu Qiancheng will be revealed.

 When the time comes, won’t she be digging her own grave?

Fu Qiancheng smiled coldly and played with his phone playfully, "I can't covet you? That's ridiculous!"

 Putting down his cell phone, Fu Qiancheng called a servant, "Where's Miss Qilian?"

 “The lady is in the study,” the servant said.

Fu Qiancheng walked to the study without waiting for the servant to report.



Fu Qiancheng opened the door and stepped into the study room, and saw Qi Lianyi practicing calligraphy.

 One by one, vigorous and sharp handwriting appeared on the rice paper.

"Miss Qilian is so elegant." Fu Qiancheng came to the sofa and sat down without restraint.

"Is something wrong?" Qi Lianyi put the pen on the pen holder and picked up the towel nearby to clean his hands.

Fu Qiancheng lit a cigarette, "Of course there is something going on, and it's a good thing. Miss Qilian might as well take a guess."

Qi Lianyi was not in that mood. She thought for a few seconds and asked, "Shangguan Ling was poisoned?"

"Still unconscious." Fu Qiancheng grinned, showing a row of white teeth, "The plan was successful."

Qi Lianyi sneered, "This is the first step. Don't take it lightly. Shangguan Ling is not that easy to deal with."

 Everything was so normal, it made her feel strange.

"The next step is as planned?" Fu Qiancheng raised his eyebrows and asked. The next step was to take Shangguan Ling's life.

Once Shangguan Ling dies, Shangguan Ting will live in **** for the rest of his life, and Du Yuerou will not have an easy time either.

Last time he didn't take Du Yuerou's life. This time, I'm afraid he can send her to **** to meet Guan Ling.

 “Yeah.” Qi Lianyi nodded lightly.

Fu Qiancheng put his index and middle fingers together and made a salute gesture, "I understand, I'll make arrangements right away."


Behind him, Qi Lianyi called out to him.

Fu Qiancheng held a cigarette in his mouth and turned around in confusion, "Miss Qilian, is there anything else?"

Qi Lianyi leaned on the desk, crossed his arms proudly across his chest, and looked at him coldly, "Fu Qiancheng, I don't want you to do any little tricks behind my back. I won't pursue the matter of Mrs. Shangguan last time, but Next time, don’t blame me for turning against you."

A dim light flashed across Fu Qiancheng's eyes. He curled his lips and blew out a smoke ring. "It was just an accident last time. Besides, isn't Madam Shangguan fine?"

 “I don’t want such an “accident” to happen again, you know?”

 Fu Qiancheng nodded perfunctorily, "I know, I'll go out if it's okay?"

Qi Lianyi nodded, and Fu Qiancheng turned and left.

Leaving the study, he sneered coldly, glanced at the study disapprovingly, and walked away.


 In the evening, Shangguan Ling finally woke up.

The doctor carefully helped him up, "Master, do you feel any discomfort?"

Shangguan Ling had a stern and expressionless face. After a while, he spoke, "Where is Jiangchuan?"

“Master, Jiang Chuan has just gone to rest, we will send someone to fetch him right now.”

Jiangchuan, who had just gone to rest for a while, was told that the young master was awake, and he rushed to the infirmary without stopping.

“Master, are you awake?”

 Shangguan Ling pulled out the needle, lifted the quilt and was about to get out of bed, "Get ready and fly to country F immediately."

 (End of this chapter)

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