Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1431: You have to be mentally prepared

Chapter 1431 You must be mentally prepared


Pan Yu’s eyes rolled white and he completely lost consciousness.

It’s finally quiet.

Shangguan Ling took a deep breath of cigarette, stood up, and looked at Pan Yu condescendingly, "Take care of it."

Jiang Chuan nodded to express his understanding.

Pan Yu is here today, and it is all her own fault.

That's right. Pan Yu wanted to die. He not only plotted against his wife, but also dared to use Miss Xiangyi to plot against the young master.

 This account will not be spared lightly to her.

“Master, I will take care of it, don’t worry.”

This Pan Yu must be dealt with cleanly, otherwise, it will be difficult to do business with Miss Xiangyi.

On this day, when Chu Xiangyi was taking a nap, he had a nightmare.

The dream was full of **** scenes. She woke up screaming, and the servant who heard the noise outside the corridor pushed the door in and asked, "Miss Xiangyi, what's wrong with you?"

Chu Xiangyi sat up halfway, covering his head tightly with his hands, his face was covered in cold sweat and looked painful.

The servant stepped forward cautiously and held her shoulders: "Miss Xiangyi, are you okay?"

It took Chu Xiangyi a long time to recover. She raised her head blankly, her eyes filled with confusion. She shook her head and found her voice: "It's okay... I just had a nightmare."

“Then I’ll make you a cup of soothing tea, so you can calm down.”


 Going downstairs, the servant's soothing tea was ready. As soon as Chu Xiangyi took a sip, the landline phone in the hall rang.

 The call was answered by the servant. After a while, the servant hung up the phone in a panic.

“Miss Xiangyi, something happened to Pan Yu!”

Chu Xiangyi's mood was already affected by the nightmare, and she was still feeling groggy until now. When she heard the servant say something happened to Pan Yu, she trembled all over and dropped the hot soothing tea in her hand to the ground.

 Tea splashed everywhere.

She had no time to take care of her burned feet. She ran to the servant and grabbed her wrist tightly. Her eyes were red, "What did you say? Something happened to my sister?"

"Miss Xiangyi, you must be mentally prepared..."

Chu Xiangyi's eyesight went dark, and he was about to fall down after swaying twice.

"Miss Xiangyi..." The servant helped her to the sofa and sat down.

After the darkness in front of him eased, Chu Xiangyi felt his chest was suffocating badly, "Quickly... take me to see my sister! Take me there quickly!"

The servant didn’t dare to refuse, “Okay, we’ll have a car ready right away to take you to the hospital. You must stay calm.”


 The door to the emergency room is closed.

Jiang Chuan and the man in black were waiting in the corridor. When they saw a figure that broke away from the man in black's hand and stumbled towards him, Jiang Chuan stepped forward and said, "Miss Xiangyi, you are here."

"Jiangchuan, my is my sister?" Chu Xiangyi held Jiang Chuan's hand tightly and looked at the closed door of the emergency room.

Jiangchuan explained softly, "The road was slippery in the snow, and your sister kept trying to persuade her bodyguards to go out. As a result, she had a car accident on the road. Two bodyguards died on the spot, and your sister was still inside for first aid..."

 The bodyguard died on the spot…

Her sister is still in first aid...

how so…

how so?

Chu Xiangyi burst into tears and fell limply as if he was exhausted.

Jiang Chuan quickly supported her with quick eyes and hands. Chu Xiangyi clasped his hands together and kept praying: "Mom and dad, you must keep my sister safe... You must keep your sister safe. I only have my sister."

Jiang Chuan couldn't bear it, so he could just turn his head away.

 Three hours later, the emergency room door opened.

 The doctors and nurses pushed out Pan Yu who was unconscious and covered with tubes.

 (End of this chapter)

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