Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1434: The last bloodline is gone...

Chapter 1434 The last bloodline is gone...

 “Have you thought about how to tell her?”

He Junbai asked the key point, "Should we tell Zhao Qiuxu truthfully about Shangguan's current situation?"

Shangguan Ling's situation is what they are determined to hide now.

 It is naturally impossible to leak.

After the news leaked, Shangguan Ting would naturally know that judging from how much Shangguan's wife loved Shangguan Ling, Shangguan Ting was bound to avenge her precious son.

 At that time, it will be a **** storm.

That is a scene that no one wants to see.

What's more, Shangguan Ling decided from the beginning that this was just a personal grudge between him and Qi Lianyi, and did not involve the elders.

"Actually, Shangguan can't be blamed for this incident." After a long time, He Junbai said faintly.

Gu Jinglan leaned against the wall and nodded in a daze, "At the beginning, His Excellency the President personally assigned Rong Yin to **** Shangguan back to the country. No one expected that Rong Yin would die in that firefight. Qi Lianyi's child was gone, and it was because of her emotions He lost control and fell down the stairs. Although Shangguan had an indirect cause, it was not the main cause. Even if Rong Yin was not protecting Shangguan, it would be someone else. "

“After so many years, Qi Lianyi still can’t let go of her hatred. First, she is obsessed with Rong Yin, and second, her child died because of it, and Rong Yin’s last bloodline was gone..."

After so many years, if it were not for the support of hatred, I am afraid that Qi Lianyi would have been buried long ago when Rong Yin died.

 How cruel she is to Shangguan now shows how much she hates him in her heart.

 Gu Jinglan didn't go to Zhao Qiuxu after all, because he didn't know how to tell Zhao Qiuxu about Shangguan Ling's current situation.

Just three days before the Spring Festival, doctors finally developed antibodies to the virus.

 After the successful injection into Shangguan Ling, his body gradually recovered, but the lost memory still could not be recovered.

 Presidential Palace.

 In the study room filled with incense.

Qi Lianyi was sitting at his desk, holding a photo in his hand. In the photo, a man wearing an olive green uniform, with an impressive appearance and an upright appearance looked at the camera and smiled.

With tears blurring his eyes, Qi Lianyi slowly placed the photo against his heart, "Rong Yin... I will avenge you and your child soon... Just wait for me."


There was a rapid knock on the door.

Qi Lianyi carefully put away the photos, adjusted her mood, and said, "Come in!"

The voice was cold, calm, and exuding a sense of majesty.

Fu Qiancheng opened the door and strode in. "Shangguan Ling is fine!"

Qi Lianyi, who was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window with his hands behind his hands, slowly turned around after hearing the words, "What did you say?"

Shangguan Ling is okay?

 Have all the viruses in his body been cured?

Fu Qiancheng rubbed his face manically and cursed, "The news I found out today is that the medical team he trained has developed virus antibodies. Now he is fine. If nothing else, he will be there today. Join the K Group."

**** it!

Qi Lianyi closed his eyes and opened them again. The coldness in his eyes was comparable to the cold snow outside, "Why panic? Act according to the plan."

"Will it succeed this time?" Fu Qiancheng began to doubt. The first time they succeeded because of Pan Yu and Chu Xiangyi.

 What about this time?

 Will Shangguan Ling be as easy to fall into trouble as last time?

"It all depends on people. If you don't give it a try, how do you know you won't succeed?" Qi Lianyi smiled scornfully, "If you are timid, you can get out."

Fu Qiancheng chuckled twice, "Afraid? Miss Qilian, you still underestimate me."

 (End of this chapter)

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