Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1441: Cesare, don’t cry, mommy is here

Chapter 1441 Cesare doesn’t cry, Mommy is here


 That’s her child!

How could she be willing to let someone take her baby away just a few hours after she gave birth?

 Soph shook her head weakly, "Lucifer, it's only temporary... Christina will come back to me."

Lucifer's eyes were red with rage, "Did she threaten you?"


"Then why did you..." Lucifer said at the end, he clenched his fist in anger and punched the bedside table.

César was so frightened that he started to cry. Souf glared at him angrily, "Look, you scared César."

Lucifer was immediately stunned by that look. He sat down by the bed and cautiously stretched out his hand, wanting to touch Cesar.

 The little baby didn't show any respect at all and cried even louder.

Soph hugged César and coaxed softly, "César, don't cry, mommy is here."

After coaxing him for a while, Cesare stopped crying and fell asleep again.

 “Madam, please get in the car.”

Wei also opened the car door, and Mrs. Shangguan got into the car with Christina in her arms.

Mrs. Shangguan lowered her eyes, looked at the sleeping Christina, and sighed quietly, "If there were other ways, we would not reach this point. Christina has just been born and has to leave her mother. This is very difficult for her and Fu Fu. It’s a cruel thing.”

Wei also comforted, "Madam, with the young lady, the young master can survive. There is no other way. For the young master, you have to do this."

 “I hope Fufu will understand in the future.”

It doesn’t matter if she doesn’t understand, she can punish Shangguan Ling as she pleases.

 There is another thing that Mrs. Shangguan is most worried about.

Once Suf finds out that the divorce agreement is fake, will she come to her to get Christina back?

Although Shangguan Ling has lost his memory, no one dares to make decisions for him without authorization.

Divorce is even more impossible.

This divorce agreement was prepared by Jiang Chuan. He imitated Shangguan Ling's handwriting and does not have any legal effect.

Even if Su Fu wants a divorce, she can’t get divorced...

Thinking of this, Mrs. Shangguan just prayed that Shangguan Ling would get better as soon as possible, and went to Su Fu in person to confess her mistake and ask for forgiveness.


  Country A.

 Shangguan Manor.

When Mrs. Shangguan came back with Christina in her arms, Shangguan Ting was returning to the castle from the infirmary extremely exhausted.

“Sir, the lady is back with the young lady!” the servant said excitedly.

Shangguan Ting's brows were filled with joy and he hurried forward to greet her, "Yuerou, is this... my precious granddaughter?"

Mrs. Shangguan smiled and nodded, "Would you like a hug?"

“Of course!” Shangguan Ting was excited, and there was an indescribable joy in his heart, which was even worse than when Shangguan Ling was born.

He hugged Christina carefully, and the little baby fell asleep obediently. The shadow of Su Fu could already be seen in her small appearance.

 "Okay...okay..." Shangguan Ting said yes repeatedly and lovingly kissed his precious granddaughter on her forehead.

 The group returned to the hall and sat down.

 The babysitting team has been prepared and started to serve.

Since there was no breast milk, the nanny prepared the milk powder and tested it to see if it was suitable before delivering it.

 “I’ll feed her.” Mrs. Shangguan didn’t dare to slack off and took care of her precious granddaughter herself.

Jiangchuan heard that his wife had returned with the young lady, and ran back from the infirmary excitedly.

"Sir, Madam!" Jiang Chuan ran forward panting, looking at the little person in Mrs. Shangguan's arms with bright eyes.

 (End of this chapter)

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