Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1443: A cute snow dumpling

Chapter 1443 A cute snow dumpling

The doctor paused. He didn't dare to **** the thin needle tip.

Christina's pair of black eyes, clean and clear without being stained by the dust of the world, looked at him with clear black and white and watery eyes.

At that moment, a certain string snapped and broke.

Shangguan Ling felt as if an invisible hand had tightly grasped his heart, and his breathing was suffocated for no reason.

"Master, the young lady is really your child. The young lady looks like the young lady, and the young master looks like you. That's why you have such a misunderstanding." Jiang Chuan persuaded him earnestly, trying to dispel his idea of ​​taking a DNA test. idea.

Shangguan Ling lowered his eyes and stared blankly at the little man in his arms.

Christina’s soft hands grabbed one of his fingers, her little mouth opened slightly, and she was about to cry in the next second—

 “Okay…don’t cry.”

Shangguan Ling immediately hugged the fragile little guy in his arms tightly. He lowered his head tentatively and pressed his forehead against her small forehead.

Christina blinked, and her little hand grabbed his fingers and never let go.

Shangguan Ling raised his lips and smiled, his heart filled with a sense of satisfaction that came from nowhere. He kissed her little face with his thin lips, "What's your name?"

“Master, the young lady’s name is Christina, which was chosen by the young lady herself.”

Jiang Chuan answered from the side, earning a disgusted look from Shangguan Ling: "I didn't ask you, so shut up!"

Jiangchuan took an innocent step back: "Yes, young master."

 The young master's getting more and more irritable.

 The little guy in his arms is soft and puffy, like a marshmallow, like a flawless white snowflake, more like a cute snow dumpling.

 “Can I call you Xue Tuan?”

Christina's clear eyes kept looking at him, causing Shangguan Ling to laugh lowly. He grabbed her small hand and squeezed it without daring to use much force, "If you don't say anything, I will treat you as By default.”

Jiangchuan: “…”

 Master, how old is the young lady?

Aren’t you just bullying the little lady and you still can’t speak?

The doctor happily wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. Fortunately, the young master found his way back.

If this needle **** him, Mr. and Mrs. will skin him!

Staying in Shangguan Ling's arms for a while, Xue Tuan's little mouth moved and his eyes filled with tears.

"What's wrong with her?" Shangguan Ling was confused, and the posture of holding the snow ball began to stiffen.

“Master, the young lady must be hungry and it’s time to drink milk.”

As soon as Jiangchuan called the castle, the babysitting team showed up at the infirmary within two minutes and delivered milk at a suitable temperature.

Shangguan Ling wanted to hand Xue Tuan over to the nanny to nurse, but Xue Tuan grabbed his finger with her little hand and refused to let go.

Don't look at that little soft hand, it's really stubborn and refuses to let go after grabbing it.

Shangguan Ling pulled out his finger easily, and Xue Tuan's cry of grievance immediately sounded—


Shangguan Ling was in a hurry, not knowing what to do. The nanny smiled and said, "Master, the young lady likes you very much. How about you come and feed her?"

“I can’t!” Shangguan Ling’s eyes were red and he stared at the nanny coldly.

The nurse trembled all over, but still said bravely, "It's very simple, I can teach you..."

“Then why are you standing still? Give me the bottle!”

“Yes, yes, yes.” The nanny hurriedly handed Xuetuan’s bottle to him respectfully.

Shangguan Ling took the milk bottle and weighed it. Is that all?

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 (End of this chapter)

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