Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1453: Do you want to hug a snowball?

Chapter 1453 Do you want to hug a snowball?

Su Fu curled her lips and smiled. Harry, who was next to Xuetuan, recognized Su Fu first and pounced on her with a meow.

Hatching Harry firmly, Su Fu touched Harry's head and said, "Long time no see, little fat man."

Finding that Xue Tuan's eyes had been falling on her face, Su Fu took the initiative to reach out and said, "Hello, little Xue Tuan, I am your mommy."

The white and slender palm was stretched out in front of him. Xue Tuan hesitated for a while, seeming to be thinking, and finally stretched out his little hand.

Su Fu immediately held her soft little hand, feeling ecstatic inside. She curved her lips and smiled, "Do you want mommy to hug you?"

Xuetuan tilted his head slightly, "Do you want to hug Xuetuan?"


Xuetuan nodded, then withdrew his hand and opened his arms for her to hug.

Damn it!

So cute!

Sophie let go of Harry excitedly, leaned over and picked up the milky dumpling, "Baby, Mommy misses you so much!"


K Group, President’s Office.

Shangguan Ling always felt uneasy. Ten minutes later, his eyes were still stuck on the first line of the document.

The phone on the table rang. He glanced at it and quickly picked it up, "Mom, did Xuetuan miss me?"

“Aling, Xuetuan’s mother is here. She wants to take Xuetuan away. I’ll let you know.”


Shangguan Ling had blue veins popping out on his forehead. He couldn't believe what he heard. Could you let me know?

 Did he agree?

 Did he allow the snowballs to be taken away?

"You heard me right, that's it, I'm hanging up." Shangguan's wife didn't give him any chance to protest and immediately hung up the phone.

Shangguan Ling punched the office and shouted sternly, "Jiangchuan, prepare the car!"

Jiang Chuan hurriedly made arrangements immediately. In order to rush for time, Jiang Chuan called the traffic bureau to implement traffic control and speed back to the manor without any hindrance.

 After getting out of the car, the man stepped into the castle full of anger.

The sound of footsteps approaching quickly, and before Shangguan Ling could get out of the way, a little guy bumped into him.

 Sizer bumped into Shangguan Ling's long legs and was bounced away.

He fell to the ground, covering his **** with one hand and raising his head with tears in his eyes.

Shangguan Ling was just about to scold the servants for being useless and letting in all kinds of messy people. When his cold eyes fell on Cizer's little face, his whole body stiffened.

 Cesare stretched out his hand, "Hi, Daddy."

 “You…” Shangguan Ling was shocked.

 Cesare waved his little hand, "I am Cesare."

Before Shangguan Ling could react, a ferocious tiger rushed up and stood in front of Cizer, staring at him with eager eyes and howling fiercely.

“Who let this beast in?!” Shangguan Ling roared angrily, “Which of you can afford to pay for scaring Xue Tuan?!”

The servants lowered their heads one after another and said in fear, "Master... this is the young lady's pet."

 Cesare waited and waited, but he didn't wait until his father hugged him and stood up.

He could not help but pout his little mouth in grievance, Uncle Lucifer would not have seen him fall, and neither would Fu Fu...

Jiang Chuan was extremely anxious and reminded Shangguan Ling from the side, "Master, this is the young master of you and the young lady. He is the younger brother of Miss Xuetuan."

César got angry and tugged on Gabby's tail with her little hand, "Gabby, help César get up."

 Gabby bit into Cesar's pants and picked him up.

César stood up with a groan, patted his little buttocks, the small replica face was tense at the moment, snorted arrogantly, turned around and left.

 (End of this chapter)

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