Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1461: So, that woman is really blind!

Chapter 1461: That woman is really blind!

“That’s the tattoo you gave the young lady, and it’s the initials of the young lady’s name.”

Shangguan Ling: “…”

 Suffered a critical hit of 10,000 points!

In order to save some face, Shangguan Ling snorted coldly and put out the cigarette butt, "So, that woman is really blind!"

If you can’t even look down on him, then what else is it but blind?

Jiangchuan: “…”

Master, you should say less about this. If the young lady finds out... you will be in good hands.

There was a slight knock on the door, followed by Xuetuan's little voice: "Dad, let's tell a story."

Shangguan Ling immediately picked up the air freshener on the table and sprayed it in the air a few times. It smelled faintly of lemon before he said, "Dad will be here soon."

 Opening the study door, Xiaoxue Tuanzi opened his arms for a hug.

Shangguan Ling leaned over and picked her up. The little guy in pink pajamas looked as soft as a marshmallow.

 “Did you drink milk?”

 Xue Tuan nodded.

 “Have you brushed your teeth?”

Xuetuan nodded again.

Su Fu, who was leaning against the wall with her arms coldly hugging her chest, let out a cold sneer, which was extremely contemptuous.

 What he could think of, would she not have thought of it?

  After all, she had personally taken care of César for three years, and these experiences were more than enough to crush him.

Ignoring Su Fu's provocation, Shangguan Ling carried her back to the bedroom. Behind him, Su Fu followed step by step. Shangguan Ling lowered his eyes, pressed his forehead against Xuetuan's, and rubbed it lightly, "Xue Tuan, would you like to sleep with daddy tonight?" good?"

Xue Tuan pursed his lips and smiled, "Okay."

 “Good boy!” Shangguan Ling changed direction and carried Xue Tuan directly back to his bedroom.

Su Fu was anxious, "Shangguan Ling, where are you going with the snow ball?"

"What does it have to do with you?" Shangguan Ling entered the bedroom and kicked the door shut.

With a bang, Su Fu was successfully isolated.

Xue Tuan turned her head and looked in the direction of the door. Shangguan Ling opened the quilt and laid her down. Shangguan Ling turned around and took a book. When he turned around, he saw that she was still looking in the direction of the door.

 Sitting down by the bed, Shangguan Ling tapped her cheek with his slender index finger, "Xuetuan, what are you looking at?"


Shangguan Ling rubbed his forehead and said, "What's so good about her? Dad will tell you a story. Tonight, Xuetuan wants to hear the story of Hot~Blood~Soldier~King or War?"

The eyelashes, which were as thick as a small fan, blinked in the snow, and said softly and waxy, "Bing~King."

Shangguan Ling was extremely satisfied. He leaned on the head of the bed, his deep magnetic voice softening and slowing down, like the sound of a cello trickling out, as mellow as fine wine.

Soph was so angry that she stamped her feet, this shameless guy!

Haven't he just bullied her into not knowing how to enter his bedroom? How dare she take the snow ball back to his bedroom!

Son of a bitch!

With a flash of inspiration in her mind, Su Fu turned around and hurried downstairs.

Downstairs, Cesare was lying in Shangguan Ting's arms, like a little sparrow waiting to be fed, with his mouth open, waiting to be fed.

 Shangguan Ting, a man who was as cold and arrogant as Shangguan Ling and cruel and ruthless, was actually exuding a kind light at this moment.

For Sizeer, he must be in response to, feeding fruit, feeding milk, and serving very detailed.

Hearing the footsteps, Cizere's little head turned around and looked at Su Fu, her eyes shining brightly, "Fufu, you're here!"

Shangguanting raised the corners of his lips slightly and nodded to Su Fu.

Soph looked a little embarrassed and waved, "Cesare, come here, it's time for you to take a shower."

 Cesare reluctantly crawled out of Shangguan Ting's arms.

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 (End of this chapter)

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