Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1468: Shangguan Ling, what do you want to do?

Chapter 1468 Shangguan Ling, what do you want to do?

Cesare pointed at his index finger with a tangled expression on his face.

 “Then Cizere doesn’t want Gabby?” Sufu asked softly.

César hugged Su Fu's leg, "César is a gentleman and wants to let the fairy sister."


Suf touched his head and said, "Then let's leave now. When we come back, we can play with Gabby, okay?"


César turned around, held Gabby's head, and warned him like a little adult, "Gabby, wait until César comes home."

Gabby howled and rubbed his big head against his little face.

Making Cesare chuckle.

  K Group.

Su Fu and her group were intercepted by company security, and Su Fu called Jiang Chuan.

When Jiangchuan learned that the young lady was coming, he did not immediately report it to Shangguan Ling, but came down to greet her personally.

"Young madam, why are you here?" Jiang Chuan opened the car door and made a greeting gesture.

Soph held Harry in her arms, "I sent Harry here."

 “Little Miss Snow Tuan will be very happy.”

César swung his short legs and opened his arms, "Uncle, hug me."

Jiangchuan smiled and leaned over, taking Cizer out of the car.

 Shangguan Ling came out of the conference room and gave instructions to his assistants with a stern look on his face, and the group returned to the president's office in a grand manner.

As soon as he opened the door, a soft and fragrant body ran into his arms.

Shangguan Ling held the document in one hand and hugged the person in his arms with the other.

Su Fu was going to go to the bathroom. As she opened the door, she turned back to talk to Xue Tuan and Cesar. Unexpectedly, she accidentally bumped into the man's hard arms.

 The familiar crisp breath told her that this was Shangguan Ling.

Soph's whole body stiffened. She raised her head and looked at the man's gracefully curved jawline, "Let go."

Shangguan Ling threw the document to the assistant behind him, waved his hand, and the assistant immediately understood and turned to leave.

 “If I remember correctly, this is the second time you have thrown yourself into my arms.”

 The hand that held her slender waist tightened a little.

  It’s really soft…

Shangguan Ling sighed silently in his heart.

"Shangguan Ling, do you want to be shameless? It was you who dragged me the first time, but this time it was clearly a misunderstanding!" Su Fu pushed his chest angrily, but Shangguan Ling suddenly hugged her and lowered his voice, " Don't make trouble, Xuetuan and the others are watching."

 “So what, let me go first!”

"Let you go and then what? Do you want to fight with me?"

Shangguan Ling looked at it with a curious look on his face. He had forgotten about the snowballs and Cesar with the ice cream in his hand, "Keep eating, don't look at anything inappropriate."

Xuetuan immediately closed her eyes. After a while, she quietly opened them again and glanced at Cizer beside her.

Finding that his eyes were wide open and still looking, he stretched out his little hand and covered his eyes, "Don't look."

 “Oh…” Cesare closed his eyes in hindsight.

After the two little guys closed their eyes obediently, Shangguan Ling closed the door of the president's office with one hand.

 Take Sufu out.

 Su Fu was almost held hostage in his arms and dragged along. He was tall and had long legs, and his steps were long and fast, so Su Fu couldn't keep up.

  Can only stagger, followed by those who were taken away at a trot.

 Pushing open the door of the conference room, Shangguan Ling pushed her in, then followed her in and closed the door behind her back.

The large conference room was empty at the moment. Su Fu took two steps back and stared at him alertly, "Shangguan Ling, what do you want to do?"

 “They said, are you my wife?”


 (End of this chapter)

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