Chapter 1480 You really deserve to die!

"Mu deserve to die!" Zhao Qiuxu gritted her teeth and trembled with pain all over.

 Turn around, grab the door and run away.

Mu Tianyu stood there in a daze. He lowered his head and smiled bitterly. Maybe it would be as she wished.

 Zhao Qiuxu did not return to Mu's house. She went to the beach alone. She needed to calm down.

 Mu Tianyu returned home and Zhile was waiting for Zhao Qiuxu eagerly.

“Uncle, have you seen mom?” Zhile ran up to him and hugged his leg.

Hold the innocent Zhile in his arms, Mu Tianyu's heart felt hot, "Zhile..."

“Uncle, what’s wrong with you?” Zhile touched Mu Tianyu’s face with one hand and looked at him with his head tilted.

Mu Tianyu smiled bitterly, "It's okay, let me give you a hug."

 If possible, he would like to hear Zhile call him daddy.

 But he knew that this was unacceptable to Zhao Qiuxu as an adult, and it was even more unacceptable to Zhile.


 Shangguan Manor, in the garden.

Under the reflection of a sea of ​​flowers, Su Fu looks more and more delicate than flowers.

 The delicate face reveals a bit of strong coldness.

"Mrs. Shangguan, there is no need to persuade you any more. I have decided to take the snow dumpling away. This is what we agreed on three years ago."

Mrs. Shangguan sighed. She knew that she shouldn't place her hopes on Shangguan Ling.

Going to apologize last night, he must have screwed up.

 Otherwise, Su Fu would not be so determined to take away the snow ball.

"Okay, now that you have made your decision, I should fulfill my promise." Mrs. Shangguan said with concern, "However, Aling cannot know about this matter, otherwise, he will not give the snow ball to you. of."

"I understand." Since he wanted to take Xuetuan away, he had to carry Shangguan Ling on his back and take him away secretly.

However, Su Fu doesn't care anymore. As long as she can take away the snow ball, she doesn't care whether it's fair or sneaky.

 All she wants is results.

 “Do you have a plan?” Mrs. Shangguan asked.


Mrs. Shangguan felt sad, "Okay..."

The F International Film Festival is still going on. Shan Xuan even made it in time for the red carpet because Shangguan Ling temporarily sent a designer to the hotel room to make a dress for her urgently.

Shan Xuan also wore a dress mainly composed of ink paintings, which made her famous, and the media in country A praised her overwhelmingly.

Shan Xuan has undoubtedly become the most eye-catching among the many female stars attending the film festival in country A.

 Not only because of her dress, but also because of her beauty and the powerful agency background.

 Shan Xuan, a little-known drama school student, has become a domestic traffic star in just two years. Although he has no works, he appears in the top five of major hot search lists every now and then.

It is rumored that the boss behind the Beijing Entertainment Company to which Shan Xuan belongs is the famous Mr. Shangguan, the president of K Group.

 The company only signed one female artist, Shan Xuan, and Shan Xuan naturally became the actress that the company favored.

Various fashion resources and endorsement ads are beyond the reach of other popular celebrities.

Shan Xuan has had no scandals since her debut, and she is accompanied by bodyguards when she goes out.

Some paparazzi tried to find out who was the financial backer behind Shan Xuan. Since then, he has disappeared from the paparazzi industry and no such person has been found.

On the second day of the film festival, Shan Xuan was in trouble again. This time, it was much more serious than the dress incident.

She called Shangguan Ling on his mobile phone. After careful consideration, Shangguan Ling decided to go to Country F in person.

 (End of this chapter)

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