Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1485: Xuetuan...still doesn't like Mommy

Chapter 1485 Xuetuan...still doesn’t like Mommy

The servant was startled, "Master...Miss Xuetuan...she has been taken away by the young lady."

 The air pressure plummets to freezing point.

Shangguan Ling frowned, his face extremely gloomy, "Who allowed her to take him away?"

  “’s Mrs.”

Shangguan Ling punched the dining table, and the tableware made a loud noise.

After hanging up the phone, Shangguan Ling ordered with stern eyes, "Jiang Chuan, go find out where Su Fu took the snow ball immediately!"

"Yes, young master." Jiang Chuan greeted him, but did not leave immediately, as if he still had something to say.

Shangguan Ling leaned back on his chair and glanced at Jiang Chuan coldly, "What are you doing standing around here? Why don't you go do something?!"

“Master, do you want to deal with the entertainment news? After all, it concerns you, so I think it is still necessary.”

“Is the news more important, or the snow clumps?” the man’s voice sounded sinister, tinged with frost.

 Invisibly, there is a hint of cold air, which makes people feel timid unconsciously.

"I understand, young master!" Jiang Chuan did not dare to delay and went to do it immediately.


 Onassis Castle.

Soph held a glass of milk and drank it sip by sip, her eyes always looking at the entertainment news on the TV.

 Shangguan Ling, you are really good!

 To protect a woman, to this extent.

Since you feel so distressed, why let her hang out in the entertainment industry? Wouldn't it be better to just marry her home and provide for her?

 “Fufu, what’s wrong with you?” Cizer climbed onto her lap, sat down obediently, and also watched the entertainment news.

Just after looking at him for a while, his little face was stunned, "Fufu, is that person a bad daddy?"

 “Hmm.” Su Fu’s voice was flat, with no hint of emotion or anger.

"Why does the bad guy hug another aunt?" Cizer turned his head and looked at Su Fu innocently.

Su Fu pursed her lips and said nothing.

Xue Tuan in the restaurant heard Cizer's words and ran out. She stood in front of the TV and looked at Shangguan Ling blankly.

"Dad..." His voice was aggrieved and choked, and he began to sob quietly.

Soph felt extremely distressed. She patted César on the shoulder and said, "Go and comfort my sister."

“Roger that!” Cesare gave a handsome military salute, ran to Xue Tuan on his short legs, and awkwardly wiped her tears, “Sister Fairy, please stop crying, okay?”

Xue Tuan turned her head away and avoided his hand. She walked slowly to Su Fu, raised her little head, and looked at her with eyes red and swollen from crying, "Mom... wants dad."

Soph nodded and took a deep breath before blinking away the mist in her eyes.

Hand out, he hugged Xuetuan distressedly and let her lean into his arms, "Xuetuan, you are three years old and have always been accompanied by mommy. Don't you want to be with mommy?"

Xuetuan shook his head and nodded again, his little shoulders twitching from crying.

 Let alone Su Fu as a mother, even the servants and housekeepers on the side felt distressed.

"Xuetuan... I still don't like Mommy." Su Fu raised her head and laughed at herself, with indescribable sadness in her tone.

Xuetuan was immersed in the sadness of not having his father, and could not feel the loss and sadness of adults at all.

“Fufu, Fufu, what should we do?” César climbed onto the sofa and snuggled next to her.

Soph thought for a while, her eyes fell on the TV screen, and she made a difficult decision.

“Xuetuan, take a look at daddy, and you can live with mommy from now on, okay?”

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 (End of this chapter)

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