Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1496: As long as she's fine...

Chapter 1496 As long as she’s fine...

Shangguan Ling pursed her thin lips tightly and said, "I'm tired."

 Lucifer sneered and ignored it. He held the snow ball in one hand and led Cizer away with the other.

Xue Tuan leaned in Lucifer's arms, his thick long eyelashes flickering, "Uncle, where is mom?"

“Mommy is resting in the bedroom. Xuetuan will see her soon.”

Shangguan Ling, who was leaning against the car door and smoking a cigarette, heard a voice coming from the wireless headset, and his frown suddenly relaxed.

Soph is indeed back.

As long as she's fine...

 As long as it’s okay.

 A big stone suddenly dropped in my heart, and I felt a lot more relaxed.

  Lucifer gently touched Xue Tuan’s little head, “Xue Tuan broke mommy’s heart today, didn’t she?”

Xue Tuan’s eyes were red, and he nodded, holding Lucifer’s sleeve tightly with his little hands.

Like uneasiness, like nervousness.

César leaned forward with her little head, her red little mouth pouted high, "Sister Fairy, you have to apologize to Fufu, Fufu will forgive you."

Xuetuan pursed her lips. César reached out and poked her cheek, "If you don't apologize, César won't like you anymore."

 After saying that, Cizer snorted and sat back down.

 Fufu is the most important, even more important than the fairy sister.

Uncle Lucifer has said that no one can bully Fufu, and Cesare hates everyone who bullies Fufu.

Even if she is a fairy sister, he will hate her!

Xue Tuan lowered his eyes, and his voice was a little hoarse after crying, "I know."

Soph had just laid down for a while when there was a knock on the bedroom door.

"Come in."

César ran in first, climbed onto the bed in twos and twos, and knelt down beside her, "Fufu, the fairy sister is here."

“Huh?” Su Fu opened her eyes quietly and saw Lucifer walking in with a snow ball in his arms.

Xuetuan's eyes were swollen even more, the tip of his nose was red, and even his little mouth was red from crying.

Su Fu sat up and wanted to hug her. She stretched out her hand and froze in mid-air for a few seconds, then took it back.

 “Cecilia, Xue Tuan wants to apologize to you.” Lucifer carried Xue Tuan to the bedside.

 Cesare nodded, "Yes!"

Su Fu looked at Xue Tuan, who grabbed Lucifer's sleeve nervously and glanced up at him uneasily.

 Lucifer patted the back of her hand and encouraged her, "Go ahead, Mommy will forgive you."

 Xue Tuan finally left his arms and came to Su Fu, "Mom... I'm sorry."

Xuetuan followed Cizer's example and knelt down next to her. With tears in his eyes, he reached out his hand and grabbed her finger.

That soft little hand tightly grasped one of her fingers and shook it uneasily.

 With her nervousness and embarrassment.

An expression of panic was written on her little face. Su Fu couldn't bear it and hugged her into her arms.


“Xuetuan, will you never want mommy again?”

Xue Tuan shook his head and said softly, "No way."

"Be good." Su Fu kissed her on the cheek. She held her face and said bitterly, "Xue Tuan, you have to know that no one in this world loves you more than Mommy. Even if this happened in the past Mommy has not been with you for three years, but Mommy’s heart is always with you. In the past three years, Mommy has been thinking about you every day and night. Sometimes, Mommy will hate herself very much, I hate myself for why I gave you to your grandma in the first place. If Mommy hadn’t made the wrong decision, you wouldn’t have left Mommy for three years, and you wouldn’t have… left Mommy…”

 (End of this chapter)

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